Chapter 1

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Jeff Tracy let out a deep sigh as he stepped outside for the first time in several hours, wincing as the blinding sunlight hit his weary eyes. International Rescue was in the final stages of becoming operational as a worldwide organization, so Jeff had spent most of the day cooped up in Brains' laboratory with the genius himself, going over various designs and functions of the soon to be active Thunderbird machines.

After finally being dragged out from the depths of the lab by his mother, the matriarch had given him a short lecture on how being cooped up inside would do his health no good. She then attempted to do the same thing to Brains, but knowing the dedication and determination the genius possessed, Jeff knew that the younger man would not leave his lab under any circumstances.

Nearing the pool, it was no surprise for Jeff to see his second youngest doing his daily lengths of the swimming pool. Jeff acknowledged Gordon with a nod of his head as he passed by and arrived at the sun loungers, seeing that his mother and second son were already sitting there, semi shaded underneath the large parasols.

John was reading a book on the sofa chair nearest the pool and Grandma was sitting next to the peroxide blonde knitting a cute little sweater, not at all deterred by the blazing humidity which was raining down on them. She smiled at Jeff as he arrived, happy that her son had finally caved and gotten himself out of the laboratory. If only Brains would've listened to her! She made a silent oath to try again later.

Jeff sat down on the lounger next to his mother, thankful to be shaded by the massive red parasol giving him respite from the blistering heat burning down on the poolside. He looked over at his mother's knitting and chuckled. "I hope that one's not for me."

Grandma shot Jeff an insulted look. "Cheeky boy! I'll have you know it's for one of the ladies at the club - Dorothy happens to like my knitted scarves."

"That makes someone." he replied dryly, finding his gaze drift over to John. In a few days the blonde would be up in Earth's orbit, monitoring the world from above in their new space station, Thunderbird 5. It would be strange not having him on the island but he felt comforted in the fact that John would be surrounded by his true love - the stars.

John grabbed his drink off the table and took a small swig, wincing a little at how warm the lemonade was. He put the glass back down, eyes briefly meeting his fathers'. Being the introspect he was, John knew exactly what his father was thinking about and shot him a reassuring smile before going back to reading his book.

Jeff found himself staring up at the sky. There wasn't a cloud anywhere to be seen and the sunlight only got hotter as the afternoon went on. A lone plane could be seen flying high in the sky, its silver body shining in the sun, a long vapour trail streaking behind it. It got Jeff thinking about Scott. His eldest had taken the family jet and was currently on the way to England to pick up the newest members of International Rescue. He'd been gone for a few hours now and Jeff hoped his son would be back soon with the guests.

The splashing sound of water dropping against the poolside broke Jeff's train of thought. He glanced over at the obvious culprit in the pool, the redhead's pose indicating that he had just splashed water at someone. Following his gaze towards who Gordon was grinning at, he rolled his eyes as poor John rinsed out his sodden shirt and astronomy book, glaring at his troublesome brother.

"Gordon! What was that for?" John exclaimed, wiping his face with a small towel that his father threw over to him.

"In a few more days you'll be up in space inside your tin can so I won't be able to soak you then!" Gordon replied, flashing him a cheeky grin. "I'm getting it in while I can!"

"Do it again and you'll be the one spending the first term up there." John threatened, blowing on the pages of his book in an attempt to dry them out. "And don't call Five a tin can!"

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