Chapter 3

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I was led up a spiral staircase. From there i came into a long-range hallway, where a wine-red carpet decorated the maroon wooden floor.

"This way.", Fabio led me into a light-insulated room at the end of the hallway. "Ah, Miss O'Connor!", an attractive black-haired man came up to me. As i heard the british accent i chuckled as i always thought he was from Mexico or Spain. "I am honored to meet you Sir.", my hands were shaking. "Have a seat. Can i offer you something? Water? Tea? Coffee or something else?", he asked me. "I would like to have a drink, to celebrate the day.", i replied and took a seat on a very casual sofa. I looked around: a bar to my right, countless paintings on the wall, big curtains in front of the windows and some antique vases in glass cabinets caught my attention. Seemed he is a Art lover. "Congrats on your victory. I need to say i'm not even surprised.",he handed me my ordered drink. "Thanks. I'm pleased to be here but i would like to know why?", he leaned against the large desk in the middle of the room and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm looking for a few drivers...for my business."

I curiously raised my head slightly.

"I offer you a job. You get a good pay and of course a new car. You can choose your car, no matter what it costs.", i looked overwhelmed because he responded "Think about it. Your welcome to call me.", he handed me his business card. Diego Garcia. Head of Global Foundaries Inc.

"Where would this job be?", i asked interested.

"Spain, Dubai, wherever i need you."

I thought of my father for a moment, i couldn't leave him alone. I was responsible for him and so i answered with "I'm really sorry but i can't. I don't think i'm the right person for this. My father is..", i was looking for the right word "He needs me."

"I understand."

I stood up "Please don't be mad at me Sir."

"No way Miss.", he assured me with a smile.

"Thank you.", with a short appreciative gesture i turned to go. Fabio opened the door as Diego called "Call me if you change your mind!"


I was home again and prepared breakfast when my father came down the stairs. "Good morning. Always hard at work huh?", he smiled. "Yes. Do you have a doctors appointment today?", i asked him because my father had a lung embolism two years ago, he almost died. "Good thing you remind me! I have a appointment at 8 o'clock. I was wondering why my alarm clock rang so early.", he joked. As always, he didn't know what had happened the previous day, so i enjoyed those moments even more. I sat down "Should i drive you?"

"Not necessary. Damian picks me up. We have an appointment today.", he winked. "Do you already have plans for today?", i shrugged "I don't know yet. I wanted to do a shift in the bar tonight.", but added quickly "but i also can stay at home."

"No need. Damian and i have a men's evening. A few friends are also invited.", he told me happy. When i looked at him, the memories of yesterday came to mind. "Everything okay? You look like you're in pain."

"No! I propably only overplayed myself in sports.", and tried to cover up my insecurity. One moment in silence.

"What about...what's his name...Jamie?", he asked. "Jamie and i are sepereated for over a year now.", i answered irritated. "Really?", he looked surprised. "I liked him." That was a lie! One evening when he was drunk again, he attacked him and berated him as a dirty bastard. It was well known that drunks told the truth. So i tried to put on a fake smile and stamp the whole thing as not so bad. He glanced at the clock "Already so late? I have to go! Thank you for the breakfast and see you later okay?", he kissed my forehead, looked at me a few minutes as if he remembered anything and left the house quickly. My phone brought me back to reality. Brian is calling. With a quick glance over my shoulder i made sure that my father was really gone. "Yes?"

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