Chapter 38: The Sage's Sacrifice

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Uh-oh...wonder what that title means...
Miitopia belongs to Nintendo, enjoy!

Adiran remained on the floor, unmoving and appearing to be unconscious. Janice cautiously took a step forward, her sword in hand just in case he laughed it off and stole some faces again.

But he didn't. Instead, something odd happened.

The pendant that the Dark Lord wore began to crackle with electricity. Janice watched as it started shaking, rumbling, and—

A small object flew out. It was blue, appearing ghostly and bearing a large green eye on its center. It looked around for a moment before flying out of sight, and then the silence was broken.


Looking back down at the Dark Lord, Janice was surprised to find that he was no longer a demonic creature, but a common Mii. He had black hair and wore a purple uniform, with a matching cap that was similar in shape to the Dark Lord's hairstyle. The uniform had a small name tag that had "Adiran" on it, with a picture of an HP Banana. And while the fiend had had red eyes before, the Mii that remained had blue eyes. This person stood up and rubbed his head, looking sore and confused.

"What on earth... ?" Adiran (or maybe it wasn't him at all) asked blearily. Even his voice sounded weak, no longer demonic and now sounding like an ordinary Mii. "I feel so weird..."

He walked away, mumbling incoherently to himself as Janice and her team watched with curiosity. The Great Sage, seemingly coming out of nowhere, watched as well, her expression unreadable.

"...Huh," Harmoni said, turning to Janice with interest. "Did you just beat the Dark Lord?" She smiled as the heroes nodded proudly. "I can't say I'm too surprised. I knew you had it in you!"

She opened her mouth to speak again, but the blue wisp appeared and began studying Janice.

"Huh?!" The Great Sage glared at the wisp, but her expression turned from anger to fear as it fixed its gaze on Janice and began flying full speed towards her.

"Arrrgh!" the Warrior shouted, flailing her arms, and she braced herself for the impact...

But it never came.

"Look out!"

Before Janice realized what was happening, Harmoni gave her a hard shove and knocked her to the floor, putting her out of the wisp's path. The heroes watched in horror as the Great Sage spun around to face the wisp—

Right as it flew into her body.

"RARRRGGGHHH!" Harmoni screamed as dark magic covered her in a tornado.

"Harmoni!" Janice shouted, drawing her sword to do something, anything to stop whatever was going on. She had no idea what was happening, but she knew one thing: She had to save the Great Sage.

"No, Janice!" Ethan and Jean-Luc held her back and Apollo cowered as Harmoni squeezed one eye open, her face a mix of regret and anger. But instead of brown, her eye had turned a terrifying red.

"J-Janice," she choked out, reaching for her. The motion seemed almost forced, as if she was trying to hold out her hand and pull it back at the same time. "H-help...!"

She screamed again, louder, before her other eye turned red and her body was completely overcome by the smoke.

"Nooooo!" Janice shouted.

There was a bright flash, and when it cleared a few seconds later, Janice saw Ethan and Jean-Luc staring open mouthed at something. Apollo squeaked and held onto her for dear life, and she followed their gazes.

Her free hand flew to her mouth. No, it couldn't be...she stared in shock at...Harmoni, if it was her.

While the Dark Lord had a purple Victorian-esque hairstyle, the creature that stood before them had a blue twisted one that mimicked the Great Sage's. The robe Harmoni had worn was also present, and the hood was replaced with a large collar. It had some features that were the same on the original Dark Lord, such as the large hands and the same eye pendant, but these hands were larger and colored blue like its skin. The creature carried a staff like Harmoni did, now bearing an eye design at the top. There was only one thing that Janice recognized from this creature and that was her face. It was just like Harmoni's, but her eyes were blazing red and her lips were curled upward in a demonic smile.

"Sweet! This face comes with a cool new body!" The creature spoke, but it was Harmoni's voice. "Woooo! Talk about a makeover!"

 "Woooo! Talk about a makeover!"

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The Darker Lord: Harmoni

Harmoni's smile grew larger. "Are you joking? I get Great Sage powers too?!" She laughed darkly, looking over herself as though she'd never seen her like this before. "This is even better than being a Dark Lord! I'm even Darker Lord! Waaa ha ha haaaa!"

"Give Harmoni back!" Janice yelled, glaring at the Darker Lord.

"Pest! I have no time for you." Harmoni pointed her staff at the Warrior, who was instantly knocked over by a blast of magic. Janice landed on her rear end, and she stood up, trembling.

The Darker Lord flew away, and Janice stared in shock at where she had been. What had just happened...?

"Ho ho!" the guardian spoke up. "It's just me, your mighty and infallible guardian. I see you've gotten into quite a lot of trouble this time. So, the Dark Lord's true form is that wispy little thing, eh? It possessed Adiran's normal human body? And now it's moved on to Great Sage Harmoni?" He spoke that last part with a mix of shock and curiosity. "It's not just the body you have to worry about this time. The Great Sage's magic makes the enemy much more powerful." Then he chuckled. "But you've come a long way. I'm sure you're pretty tough by now. Think you can save the world again, from an even worse foe? I'd be much obliged! Ho ho!"

When he stopped talking, Janice began to cry. "Great Sage Harmoni saved me..." she blubbered.

"Now it's up to us to return the favor!" Ethan encouraged.

"There's just one problem..." Janice wiped away her tears and voiced her concern. "How are we going to follow the Darker Lord?"

The team didn't have any ideas, but then a voice spoke. "Hi again."

They looked up to see Dominic the dragon, who had woken up from his nap. "You look sad. Are you sad?" he asked with concern, and Janice explained the situation. "Ahhh, I see... The Darker Lord, is it?" Then his eyes lit up as he got an idea. "I can help! I like helping!" He set his tail down so the team could climb up onto his back. "Hop on!"

A few minutes later, Ethan was sitting on his neck, clearly enjoying himself as he whooped and cheered. Cameron sat in the dragon's arms, and Apollo was holding onto his tail for dear life. Finally, Janice was on his head, and she let out a yell of victory as Dominic flew away from Karkaton.

Harmoni, nooooooo! Well, don't worry, Janice is gonna save you!
Peace out!

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