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"yoongi! you- you're like a kid to!!!"

yoongi giggled, kicking a puddle, splashing water on cheol.

hoseok leaned against the door frame, watching the two play in the rain.

yoongi tripped, falling into a puddle and busted out laughing, cheol giggling.

"okay bug! you win!"

there was a loud pang of thunder, yoongi froze and then looked up at the sky.

cheol ran inside, yoongi just watching the dark clouds as hoseok yelled at cheol to go take a warm bath.

"come on yoon, youre gonna get sick."

yoongi looked up at hoseok, "do you think rain is afraid of falling before it finally does fall?"

"what do you mean?"

"like...while the rain is in the clouds do you think its afraid right before it falls?"

"dunno, maybe.  what if the rain wants to fall?"

yoongi hummed, "maybe."

yoongi stood up, taking hoseok's hands and spun around.

hoseok smiled, picking up yoongi by the waist once they stopped spinning.

"lets get you inside, youre gonna get sick!"

yoongi giggled, clinging to hoseok.

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