Hurts Like Hell

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All of Paris stood near his grave.
In honour of the hero Chat Noir.

But she wasn't there.


Marinette had seen it.

She had seen it all.

She had seen him with blood smeared all over his face.

And what hurt her the most...

Was that she was the one who was responsible.


She wasn't ready.

She wasn't prepared to see it.

Wasn't prepared to take it in.

Wasn't prepared for rejection.


'Adrien, I love you. I want you to be a part of my life. I want to spend my life with you. I love you.'

Those were the words that changed her life. Being akumatized at this point, was normal for every other being in Paris. But for her, it wasn't normal.

She wasn't allowed to let her emotions get the best of her. She wasn't allowed to feel this way.

Wasn't allowed to let her emotions flow.

She had to bottle them up. That bottle soon overflowed.

She was the hero of Paris.
The WHY did this happen to her?

'I-I feel the same! Thank you for telling me-'
The next word... One word changed it all.


She loved him.

He didn't.

Kagami loved him.

He did too.

They confessed.

She was happy for him.

But her tears knew better.

They flowed and flowed.


Until she couldn't take it anymore.

She didn't notice the way that black butterfly found its way into her bracelet.

The one made by a certain blond.

She didn't see the akuma. But Tikki did.

She knew it was too late.
That the damage had already been done.
She removed those earrings from her chosen's ear and flew.

Marinette let her.

The last thing that 'Marinette' said before turning into a victim was 'Go.'


She was now consumed by the purple aura. A single sentence was spoken.

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

She didn't want to do this.

But somehow she was dragged towards Adrien's house.

Present time. Marinette is not akumatized.

She passes by a studio. It was destroyed.

But a music player was left.

And damn. The song that played on it, hit the nail right in her head.

'Almost too much for my soul alone'

It was mid song.

Not from the beginning.

'I loved
And I loved
And I lost you.'

She gasped.

She loved him.

And she loved him.

At this point, she had lost him.

In more than one ways.

Tears found their way into her eyes.

She rushed towards his grave. She had died that very instant.

That very instant when she unintentionally killed him.

"I loved.
A-A-And I l-loved
And I-I lost y-y-you."

She stuttered.

"Lost you." She kept repeating

She kept repeating this while walking towards the people surrounding his grave.

"Lost you." She kept repeating as she went past through them.

"Lost you." She kept on repeating as she made her way on top of the Eiffel tower.

Reaching the same floor.

The same floor he was thrown down by.

"Lost you."

She stared at the crowd.

Their was horror in their eyes. All very much aware of what is going to happen next.

"And it hurts like hell." She smirked lightly at their spellbound faces.

"Hurts." She walked to the edge.

"Like." She took a step ahead of the end of the structure.


"Hell." She let go.
She heard their screams.

She was falling.


And Down.

And Down.

"I will avenge you, my sweet kitty." She closed her eyes.

She felt her back hit the ground.

She felt a dense liquid flow underneath her.

And then, everything went black.

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