The road trip

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"(Y/N)! Hurry up or were not going to make it in time!"

You grab your bag and shove clothes into it while you brush your hair, you run out of your room to see your best friend waiting by the door.

Your best friend bounced in their spot excitedly, then they said, "Come on or we're going to be late!"

"Okay, let's go!"

You and (F/N),(friends name)  run outside to get to the car, you hop in the drivers seat and throw your bag in the back, (F/N) shuts the door and buckled their seatbelt.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road." You turned the car keys and start to drive.

When you and (F/N) got hungry, the both of you decided to stop at a fast food place to get breakfast, then you both were on your way.

"Hey, (Y/N)!"


"Have you heard the rumors, about the killers that live in the forest, and that it's haunted by, slenderman."

"Hmm, no I haven't, you know you worry me sometimes, right?"

"Yep I know!" They smirked and continued reading about the forest the both of you were going to.

You continued driving until you saw the camping spot, you were so relieved because you were driving for at least 8 hours, and you wanted to go to sleep.

"Hey, (F/N), wake up."


"We're here."

"So, w-wait, YES, WE MADE IT!" They bounced of the walls with excitement, even tho they were just asleep one minute ago.

You and (F/N) got out of the car and went to the back to grab your bags.

You and (F/N) were planing on sleeping in sleeping bags instead of a tent.

When you both went to find a spot to camp at, someone came over to the both of you.

"H-H-Hello, my n-name is *tic* Toby, a-and I'm going to b-be your guide throughout the w-woods."

"Okay, thanks for letting us know, but we need to find a spot to set out our stuff." (F/N) really sounded as though Toby would try and ruin our trip in the woods.

"T-Toby can you please show us around." You said looking into his brown eyes, (F/N) nudged your shoulder and looked at you, you looked away from (F/N) and looked back at Toby, he seemed happy, but it gave you a weird vibe.

"O-Okay, I'll be back later to s-show you *tic* around!"

You smiled as he walked away, (F/N) glared at you, then they sighed.

"Are you seriously going to let him show you around?!" (F/N) seemed a little jealous.

"Yeah, he seemed nice." You smiled and thought of Toby and his warm smile.

(F/N) was a little judgmental and didn't like many people, you know they wouldn't hangout with Toby, but it's worth a shot, you grabbed your bag and all of the other things you and
(F/N) packed, like the flashlight, and the extra coats, (F/N) said you should never go anywhere unprepared because you never know what might happen.

You and (F/N) decided to walk around, you saw a gift shop in the distance, so you and
(F/N) went inside and got little souvenirs.

The both of you started laughing when you both saw two little kids start talking about how they were going to get a divorce if they didn't share the toys. You and (F/N) walked back to the camp site and went to get something to eat. After you both were done eating, you both decided it was late and went to get ready for bed.

You put on you pajamas, and went to lay down on your sleeping bag, as you look at the stars, you suddenly hear (F/N) start snoring, you snickered, then went to sleep.

(Hope you all like the first episode, the second one will be out this week, Byeeee. T3T)

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