The hangout

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You yawn and slowly open your eyes to see your snoring friend sleeping in their sleeping bag next to you. You got up and went over to the port-a-pots to go get changed.

When you were done, you unlocked the port-a-pot, and you stepped out, but when you stepped out someone came out of the woods behind you, and it made you scream, but when you looked behind you, you saw Toby, you sighed in relief.

"Ow, c-can you scream a-any louder!"

"Hehe, sorry Toby, I didn't know it was you." You snickered a little, then gave him a warm smile.

"Hey Toby, do you want to hangout later?"

"Y-Yeah, *tic* that would be nice." He smiled at you and it made you blush a little.

"Well I better be heading back to, (F/N)."


"Bye Toby, see you later!"

"Y-Yeah, see y-you l-later."

When you were back with (F/N) they were still snoring as loud as ever, you smirk at the drool coming from their mouth, you don't know why, but you like laughing at people in there sleep, this one time you were spending the night at (F/N)'s house and you were just sitting there laughing at how much drool came out of your friends mouth, then they started to open their eyes and looked at you, you laughed so much you started crying, then (F/N) hissed at you, then started laughing, after that they thought your habit was funny.

You walk over to (F/N) and shake them gently, they groaned then smacked at the hand you were poking them with, you snickered.

"Oh, since my dear friend here won't wake up, I guess, I'LL HAVE TO EAT ALL THE CHEESECAKE!!"

"NOOOO!!!" (F/N) shot up and looked at you.

"Didn't you just say you were going to eat my cheesecake!?"

"Um, no, you must have been dreaming." You started snickering as your confused friend gets up to check on the cheesecake they brought with them.

You then remember that you were supposed to meet up with Toby.

"Hey, (F/N)!"


"I'm going to hangout with a friend, okay!"


You were trying to avoid suspicion.

When you were out of sight, you dashed towards the gift shop to wait for Toby. You waited for an hour, then you heard Toby's voice.

"H-Hey (Y/N) *tic*."

"Hi Toby!" You don't know why but whenever your around him, you get butterflies in your stomach, and he makes you want to be around him, but you knew people had limits, and you don't think Toby would be comfortable with a total stranger asking him out, so you would wait a little longer before asking him out, just the thought of you and him together made you happy and warm inside.

"D-Do you want to go and h-hangout by the waterfall, it's *tic* just a mile away."

You nod agreeing to going to the waterfall, on your way there he started up a conversation.

"H-Hey (Y/N), what's your favorite food?"

"Um, I guess it would be (F/F)." ( Favorite food )

"Hey Toby, do you know anyone obsessed with cheesecake, because (F/N) can't get enough of it?"

"A-Actually y-y-yeah, I do know this *tic* one guy, he is absolutely crazy for them!" You giggled, he looked at you while you giggled, it made him smile, then he looked as if he was thinking hard about something, but you don't know what.


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