Chapter 26: Afraid and confused.

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I looked at Peter's car driving far away from where I was standing. It got smaller and smaller until it disappeared. Tears fell from my eyes. I felt pain in my heart, like someone stabbed me there. I didn't even know where they were meeting. I couldn't just let them go. I sat down next to Tyler trying to think of where they could be meeting. Then I realized where. “Tyler, I think I know where they could be.” I whispered looking at him. He looked surprised, in a good way. “Where?!” He said loudly standing up. “I think it's the park near the university they used to go to. That's where Sergei offered them that job.” I said standing up as well. “MICHAEL!” Tyler yelled. “Yes sir?” “I need you to access the cameras in the Tuileries Garden.” He said and I figured he knew which park is that. We followed the guy as he accessed the cameras and we saw Peter standing in the middle of the park. “That's Peter” Tyler said zooming in. “Wait, where's Sergei??” I said looking at all the screens. “I don't know.” Tyler looked at me worried. “We need to do something, we can't just wait until he shows up and kill them both!” I was getting impatient. “We can't just go there either. Until they show up and show us that Dimitri is still alive then we'll jump on them.” He said and then sighed. I knew there was nothing he could do except wait. But I couldn't. I took my bag and Tyler looked at me. “I'm going there” I said and walked away then Tyler ran and stood in front of me. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” He said shaking me to make me realize that what I'm going to do is crazy. “Look, we can't just let him kill Dimitri and Peter which is probably what's going to happen and you know it!” I said pushing him away. I had tears in my eyes but I held them back. “I know and that's why I'm trying to find out how Sergei knows our every move.” He said more calmly now. Then he stared up. “What's wrong?” I asked as I looked at him weirdly. “They have been watching our every move from the cameras around this building, inside and out.” He said then looked down at me with serious eyes. “I have a plan to help them” he said and walked to the guy who accessed the cameras in the park. He told him, he needed to freeze the camera for at least 30 seconds everywhere around the building, inside and out. Me, Tyler and the whole SWAT team will be going but secretly. I was hoping this will somehow work. “Let's do this.” Tyler told me as we waited for the signal from the cameras guy. We waited for 10 seconds then we got the signal to get out of the station and head to the park. “You okay?” Tyler asked while he was driving. “Yeah” I said not being honest because I felt like throwing up. “You sure, because your face is Pale” he said looking at me then back at the road. “I'm fine, just nervous and scared I guess...” I replied. I didn't know why I was feeling so sick. A couple of minutes of silence passed then Tyler said, “my sister used to get the same symptoms and then she figured out why” He smiled and glanced at me then back at the road. I wrinkled my forehead confusedly. “She turned out to be pregnant” he completed. My eyes went wide and I turned my whole body towards him. “You think I'm pregnant?” I said not knowing why he thought that. “Well, I spent almost a whole day with you and you defiantly seem pregnant to me” he said as he glanced at me with a sweet smile then looked back at the road. I turned my self to face the road and sat back. I looked at my stomach and wondered if I was really pregnant. I mean what if? Thinking about it now, I am behind my period schedule but it could just be my hormones. “We're here” Tyler said in a serious voice. I didn't notice that we have arrived because I was so lost in my thoughts. Tyler was talking on the phone to some of the men he's working with in French. I put both of my hands on my heart, hoping both Dimitri and Peter will be okay. “We're going to sit on that bench not that near to them but close enough to see everything that is going down but we're going to wear something else...” Tyler said as he reached for a bag behind the front seat. “Okay...” I said confused. 

A few minutes later, Tyler and me were dressed as an old man and woman. Not the best costumes out there but it didn’t matter. We sat on the bench as Tyler opened his fake newspaper like he was reading it and I kept throwing food for the birds. I waited for a signal, anything that could tell us, it times to jump on the bad guys and save the boys. I couldn’t wait for long. My patience was running out until Tyler coughed twice and that was the signal. I looked at where Tyler was looking and I saw Dimitri getting out of the car, his face bleeding, which my heart beat faster. My eyes tearing up just because he is alive but also afraid of what’s going to happen next. I looked at Tyler and he said the words that I was waiting to hear, “It’s time”.

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