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It's been a whole week since I last spoke to Akira, she kept on avoiding me. It annoyed me that we didn't have any classes together. I haven't seen her in a whole week. I knew I shouldn't have said what I said.

''Why'd you have to go and say that to her, It's your fault''

''Shut up, I was angry okay, I- I'' I shouted, looking in the mirror, as I tugged harshly on my hair.

'' You fucked things up''

''SHUT UP SHUT THE HELL UP I'M TIRED OF YOU'' I shouted in the mirror as I slam my fist, the mirror cracked and the glasses shattered on the counter, the blood on my fist, and the bruises on my wrist didn't stop me from punching the mirror over and over again.

''If Akira could see you right now''

''Shut Up''

''She'll think you're crazy, they'll put you in that institute that you were in before do you want that to happen? You'll never see her again.''

I sat down on the floor holding onto my head, blocking out his voice, until a knock on the door, made me come back to reality.

''Akira? '' I asked.

''Dear, open the door it's your mother''

I sighed in disappointment, I began washing the blood off my hand. I looked at the cracked mirror. I have to get this fixed.

After I left the bathroom, I saw my mother sitting on my bed, she got up when she saw me in the room, ''How are you, sweetie?'' She asked.

''Why do you look so pale? Have you been getting enough vitamin C, and have you lost weight, you look thinner'' She rambled on, ''I know I shouldn't have let you boys move in on your own''

''Mother it's okay'' I replied.

''Why are you here?'' I blurted out, ''I mean how are you, what brings you here?'' I replied.

''Well as you know your father and I anniversary is coming up, it's tomorrow so I wanted us to go have dinner as a family'' She said, taking my hand, as she pats the bed for me to sit down.

''What time will it be Mother?'' I asked.

''6 pm'' She said, ''I would love it if your brother come as well'' She muttered sadly.

''I'll try asking him mother, I can't make any promises though''

''She kissed me on the cheek and smiled, ''Thanks my darling boy, Also I brought dinner for you and your brother, it's downstairs, I'll be leaving now I just wanted to see you'' She said.

''Thank you mother'' I replied, she kissed my forehead and left my room.

I lay on my back as I stare at the ceiling. I checked my phone looking at the blank screen, but no notification, I checked Akira's Instagram looking at her new post.

''Still pretending to be the righteous son I see''

''Shut up''

''Shut up''

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