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''Hey, you'' I heard a voice say.

I turned around looking up at a tall person. ''Wassup Trey?'' I asked.

''You free later?'' He asked.

''Depends'' I replied smiling

''On what?'' He asked, licking his bottom lip.

''Depends on how I'm feeling'' I replied.

''Aii bet'' He replied.

''Don't you have class right now?'' I asked him.

He stepped back, with his hands in his pants. ''Not until 2 more hours, you?''

''Same'' I replied.

''So, do you wanna go somewhere?'' he asked.

''Uh'' I replied, looking around, I rubbed the back of my neck, then looked at my watch.

''I won't hurt you if that's what you're scared of'' He chuckled, ''Come on, I'm just taking you somewhere to eat, I mean we are friends now aren't we, we should get to know each other more, Are you hungry?''

''Touché'' I replied, ''Where are we going?''

''Subway?'' He asked, ''I'm craving a sub sandwich rn''

''Okay, let's go''



''So, wait you mean to tell me you like Kit Kat over Snickers?'' Trey asked.

''Yes, look okay Kit Kat is better than Snicker'' I replied, ''Maybe it's cuz I don't really like peanuts''

''Okay, what's your favourite food?'' He asked as he took a bite of his sandwich, leaving a bit of mayo on the side of his lip. Instinctively I reached over and wiped it away. I froze when he looked at me.

''Sorry,'' I muttered.

''S'cool, well your favourite food?'' He asked.

''Seafood'' I replied, taking a bite out of my sandwich''

''No way, bruh like almost all my friends hate seafood, it's my favourite actually'' He said.

''A man of the culture I see'' I replied, taking a sip from my drink.

''We should go to red lobster together'' he said.

''Okay,'' I said.

''So, you live on campus?'' He asked.


''Awh so I won't see you as much'' He said.

''Seems not'' I replied taking a sip from my drink

My phone began ringing, and I checked the caller's ID Aunt ''Sorry I gotta take this'' I said. He nodded at me as he sips his drink. ''Hey, Auntie'' I answered.

''Yeah uh I have one more class, and yeah I still need help with moving the stuff'' I said.

''Okay I'll see you later, love you'' I said then hung up.

''Well we gotta go now it's almost time for our lecture'' I checked the time then got up and took up my tray throwing it away.

When we reached the parking lot, on campus, when we were walking to class people started watching us. I rolled my eyes. After we entered the class and sat down. Omar who sat behind me leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

''Tired of yo lil white boy already Akira'' He whispered.

''Shut the fuck up'' I scowled as I turned around looking him up and down then rolled my eyes and turned around to listen to the lecturer.

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