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''Stop'' I cried. He ignored my pleas as he penetrates my body. I lay there unable to move limb, my tears streamed down my cheeks. The feeling of him inside me was disgusting.

''Kira wake up, it was just a dream'' A voice said, shaking me. Tears swelled my eyes. I leaned forwards and hugged Leah. She held me as I cried. It was so hard for me to talk about to the police. I continued crying as she rubbed my back gently.

''It's over, he'll get what he deserves Kira trust.'' Leah said.

I sniffled and sat up, curling into a ball I covered myself with my blanket. My mind flashed back to the dirty thoughts, no matter how hard I scrubbed my body, it's like I could still feel him inside me and it hurts. I touch my flat stomach.  A baby. I thought. Ciel's baby. Our child. Even though I didn't want any kids right now I had one inside of me. Now its almost as if he wasn't there. Maybe Ciel hates me right now. I never wanted to look at him like that.

''I made pancakes'' Leah broke the silence.

''How about we have movie night today?'' Leah asked, ''Just like when we were little, we'd make forts with the cushions, Auntie would yell at us'' Leah chuckled.

''Come on Kira you have to eat something you haven't eaten since you came from the hospital and that was 2 days ago.'' Leah begged, ''Plus you have to take your medication.''

I groaned and got up with the blanket. ''Okay'' I mumbled. I got off the bed and walk unsteadily to the bathroom. Leah got up and held onto me, leading me inside. She helped me take off my clothes. I sat in the bath, pulling my legs closer to my chest. She scrubs my body as I sat there silently. After she finished, she helped me get dressed. We went downstairs where she gave me my pancakes. I forced myself to eat.

A knock on the door made me freeze, I stopped my breathe. ''It must be Aunt Judy'' Leah said. As she got up to open the door.

''Hello'' I heard her said as she opened the door.  ''Come in I guess''

The police that came to the hospital entered the kitchen. ''Miss Johnson''

I nodded slowly.

''We're here to tell you that, the man who took advantage of you, we still haven't found him as yet, but we will continue searching.'' The female officer said.

I froze in my spot. After that I blocked them out, I didn't even hear when they left.

'' I hope he fucking drops dead'' I heard Leah said.

Even though he wasn't here, that doesn't erase the fact that he raped me. He's free from this world meanwhile I'm here suffering from what he did.

After I finish eating my breakfast. I took my pills and, then sat on the couch with my blanket, curled up in a ball, where I fell asleep.


''She's still asleep careful not to wake her, the pills make her sleepy.''

I felt a gently touch on my cheek. I groaned and stretched; our eyes met each other. My heart was beating against my chest. I reminded myself over and over that Ciel is nothing like him. Ciel is safe. I muttered lowly.

He sat on the further end of the couch, playing with his watch. When Leah left the room. He spoke. ''I should have been there for you, it's my fault if only I was there, none of this would have happened to you.'' He got up and stood in front of me, then he kneeled down resting his head on my lap. ''I'm sorry Akira'' He apologized over and over again.

I watched him, then I reached out and pat him on the head, I ran my fingers through his hair. Something wet drip on his cheek. I touched my face, the tears streamed down my cheeks. I went to wipe, but he held onto my face and kissed me on my cheeks, then using his thumb he gently wiped away my tear.

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