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Ciel POV

I woke up hearing sniffles beside of me. Akira was crying again. I decided to stay with her for a while. I want to be there for her.

I shook her gently, trying to wake her. She opened her beautiful brown eyes, that was stained with tears she looked at me and pushed her face into my chest. I pat her head gently.

"I'll never leave you I promise" I muttered softy as I kissed her on the head. She's gotten so clingy lately. Not that I mind I like her even more now. She crawled ontop of me resting her head on my chest.

The next morning I got up, the bed felt empty and cold I felt around. I checked the time. I had class in the evening.  "Akira" I called out I heard the shower  running in the bathroom.

I stretched as I got out of bed I knocked on the bathroom door but she didn't reply.

I opened the door seeing her scrubbing her body harshly "it's dirty" she muttered over and over again.

Bruises appeared on her back as she scrubbed harshly I stepped in and hugged her from behind. My sweatpants got wet but I didn't care. She cried as I hold her. I let her cry as I hold onto her. I never wanted her to cry like this again. Seeing her like this broke my heart.

"You're not dirty, baby" I said to her I turned her around, looking at her wet face. I pulled her closer to me, I leaned down and place a small peck on her lips. "Theres not one part of your body that's dirty" I kissed her forehead, trailing my lips to her neck placing tiny kisses then her collarbone then her chest then her breast, her back, I made my way all down to her hip bone I place a kisses on her legs and lastly her feet.

"Don't ever think that you're dirty, you're clean in every way."

"But I have ch-" she muttered.

"It'll go away just a few more days, it's not permanent you'll be healthy again" I said. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around her wet body. She stepped out of the shower.

"Go get dressed okay I'm gonna take a quick shower" I said to her. "Then we can get breakfast."

After I finish shower I took out a white t-short and grey sweatpants from my bag. After I got dressed I sat on the bed, she was curled up on a ball.

"Guys wake up breakfast is ready" Leah pounded on the door. "I feel like a damn maid" she muttered.

I saw a tiny smile on Akira's face then it disappeared. I smiled at her. "Come one breakfast time, you have to take your pill."

After breakfast and she took her pills she was knocked out once again, i'm starting to think it's sleeping pill she's taking, every-time she takes her pill she feels drowsy. I took my own pills and drank a glass of water.

"What's that?" Leah asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"The pill?"  She said, as she put away the plates.

"Oh it's vitamin, I used to have a frail body when I was younger I had to take vitamins it's become and habit now even though I'm older" I explained.

"Ohh okay, anyways I have to go back today, I was planning on telling Akira but she fell asleep. I have to go back to work tomorrow so I have to leave today" Leah said.

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