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A small child hid in the closet with his hands on his head, his small body trembled with fear, on his lower waist hidden with his trousers were bruises he couldn't bare. His heartbeat pounded against his chest as he heard the footsteps drew nearer any minute now the person would open the closed door.

"Where are you hiding?" the crude familiar voice said.

Ciel gasps out loud as he woke from his dream, he held his head as an ear splitting headache awoken. His shirt soaked with sweat, the beads of sweat trickled down his face. He got up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face, looking at himself in the mirror, he still looked tired, the dark lines under his eyes showed. He began brushing his teeth.

"What was that dream?" He murmured out-loud. He finished brushing his teeth and washed out his mouth.

"Fuck I forgot to take my vitamins," he said, to himself. He opens the cabinet above the sink and took out his vitamins after taking his pills he finished his daily routine.

When he left his room, He heard a loud nose. He froze in his tracks. What was that? He thought he was gonna ignore it but then he heard it again.

He followed the sound, leading to the living room, he looked around he heard the sound again, he went into the basement that was below the penthouse. After walking downstairs, he opened the door to and a body fell on the ground.

"Cayden" Ciel mumbled.

Ciel reached out to touch him, but he flinched.

12 Hours Earlier

Who's J? Ciel thought. This wasn't the first time he saw that name. He remembered when they were at his penthouse, he saw the name popped up on her notification before. He was curious now about who it was. Was it a man or woman? he thought.

"Akira, who's J?" Ciel asked as he entered the living room. Akira froze. She swallowed and shook her head, "Uh just a friend."

Friend. Ciel thought, then why did she freeze up .He didn't press the issue he didn't want to get upset, he didn't want to start an argument. He chose to ignore it for now, even though a small voice in his head wanted him to press on.

"I have to go back to the penthouse" he announced. He left his laptop at the penthouse, he needed to get a few assignments done. " Will you be alright? " He asked as, he held onto her chin lifting her head,

looking into her eyes.

"Hmhm" She replied, nodding as she folded her legs underneath her wrapping the blanket aroudn her body.

Ciel leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow okay"

"Bye" She replied, watching him leave the apartment.

When Ciel left Akira picked up her phone checking her message.

J: We Need To Talk, You Moved?

Akira bit on her inner cheek. She broke into a swear, her heat pounded against her ribscage, her hands beagan to feel clammy, she rubbed her hands on her legs. She got up snd began to pace back and forth. Thoughts ran through her mind as she paced abc and forth. After a few minutes she heard the door bell.

She froze in her tracks. It couldnt be him right, maybe it's just Ciel maybe he forgot something she thought. The door bell rang once again. Then again why would Ciel ring the doorbell, he have a spare key. She thought.

She walked towards the hall tot he door, after looking through the peephole, she saw him. ''Fuck'' she muttured.

''Should I pretend I'm not home'' She spoke to herself. Another notification came in.

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