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Izuku's POV

I walk downstairs to see my mom hunched over the sink, washing dishes. I head to sit in my chair while the other do their thing. Alvi and Piper sit on the chairs next to me and Lynch...

I realize that Lynch is behind my mom about to lift up her skirt. I immediately pick up the fork next to me and launch it at his head.

"Ouch what was that for fag!?" Lynch screeched .

" Oh nothing, just you know,l sexually assaulting my mother!!!!" I yelled back.

My mom removed an earbud from her left ear.

"What was that sweetie I'm not sure I could hear you." My mom hummed

I could hear the loud music playing from the headphones even over the rushing of water. The subtle lyrics of Paradise City by Guns and Roses filling the air.

"Nothing mom just talking to Lynch about how not to be a complete disgrace to demon kind." I said while side eyeing Lynch.

" Well ain't that nice." She hummed back showing she clearly wasn't actually listening.

She popped the bud back in her ear and continued to dance a little while she washed a pot we used to make beef stew last night.

I proceeded to get myself breakfast by getting a stool to get the cereal off the fridge. It frustrates me to think about the fact that I'm still too short to reach the top of the fridge.

I notice my mom is no longer washing dishes and I stop to look around for her. I dissmiss the thought and continue to eat my breakfast.

Not even a minute later I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around my mom is standing behind me with a duffle bag and tears in her eyes.

"I'm really going to miss you this year and I swear I'll come visit once a week too make sure your okay. Please if you need anything call me and I'll be there straight away! " My mom just barely sobbed out.

I got up from my chair and took the duffel bag and set it in the ground. I then welcome my crying mom into a warm embrace.

" I promise I'll be just fine mom. As long as they feed and water me I couldn't ask for much more." I cooed softly

I released my grip on the embrace and it ended.

" Okay as long as you fine I'm fine." My mom said while drying her tears.

I lifted the duffel and I made my way to the door. I only got inches from the door when my mom called behind me.

"Oh and I packed you some condoms and lube~ safe sex is best sex." My mom swiftly murmured behind me.

I heavily blushed and walked out the door. It may be a new year but I doubt my gay ass will ever get laid.

I walk a couple blocks and see Kacchan on his way to UA as well. He walks so weird sometimes, like a crab. I giggle a bit to myself. I run to catch up to him.

"Good morning kacchan!" I cheered

"Morning nerd, you look cute this morning." He hummed

"Th- thanks kacchan! You look sexy as well... wait no I meant your clothes were nicely picked out and stuff...." I stumbled on my words

" Whatever nerd..." he was clearly flustered but was trying to hide it by being mad.

We continued towards UA in silence to avoid the tension. In these moments, that I wouldn't trade for the world, I felt like maybe I'd have a chance with him one day. Kacchan will always be my favorite person in the world. No matter what he does to me when he's around his friends.

A/N hey guys I'd like to let you know I will update a few times every weekend and Wednesdays. If anyone has issues with this be sure to let me know, and if I make typos please politely let me know. ^w^ Milo out~ 

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