Chapter 2

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I woke the next morning and smiled when I remembered that Steven was coming to visit me. I quickly sat up and got ready to head to the airport. 

I waited patiently for Steven to arrive, waving when I saw him.

"Hey, buddy!", Steven said.

"Hey!" He moved into hug me and I laughed at the height difference between us. He was so short, in a cute way of course.

I drove back to my place in a rush. Ze sat beside me blabbering about random stuff. I listened nodding at the right times, until I heard him stop suddenly.

"Steven?" He ignored me and just looked at his feet. "Steven, whats wrong?" Silence. I pulled over and put the car in park. I stared at him until he shifted in his seat, uncomfortable under my gaze. Still silence. I sighed and continued to drive. He would talk when he was ready.


Ze and I were playing Super Smash Bros when his phone rang. He picked it up, looked at the name and put it back down. Whoever it was could not take a hint. The phone continued to ring for the remainder of the round.

"Who is it?", I asked.

"Nobody important.", Ze said smiling at me. Damn that smile. I swear sometimes he knew. Knew every weakness of mine, knew what to hold over me, knew I loved him. Oh, how I wish he knew. I would never find the courage to tell him, though I had come close so many times.

His phone rang again and Ze turned it off then threw it across the room so that it landed on his jacket, which was in a ball on the floor.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?", he said with a devious grin.

"Challange accepted!" We played a few more rounds before I started to get hungry. I walked to the kitchen and started making some grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Whatcha cookin'?" Ze came up beside me and leaned against the counter.

"Grilled cheese. Want one?"


When they were ready we sat on the couch and talked.

"That was my girlfriend calling. Well ex-girlfriend now." 

"What happened?", I asked carefully. I couldn't stand to see Steven cry. It always felt like someone took my heart and twisted it inside my chest.

"She said she needed attention and I couldn't give it to her. So she left."

"Oh." Despite his attempt to cover it up, I saw his pain. A tear fell down his cheek and he stifled a sob.

"Come here.", I whispered. He scooted closer to me and layed his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to my chest. I felt his arms close around my waist while I ran my fingers through his hair. Then he was asleep. I wiped the tears from his face and carried him to my bed, kissing his forehead before going to grab a pilow and blanket and head for the couch.

"Anthony?", Steven mumbled, "Don't leave...please." His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I crawled over him and pulled the sheet around me. Steven still had my wrist, which he pulled around him so my arm was around his waist.

"Goodnight, Steven.", I said as he sighed and scooted closer to me. He mumbled something that sounded like 'goodnight'.

'This is going to be akward in the morning.', I thought to myself. I pushed that thought away and cherished the moment. Steven wanted me to stay. He had come to me for comfort.

This made me realize that even if the two of us never ended up together, I would still have this. This unbreakable bond between us. That was enough for me, because I would get over having to go on without him, as long as he was happy with his life.

I held on to that as I listened to Ze's breathing slow to a soft snore. He was so perfect, so beautiful. How could anyone leave him?

"I would never leave you, my love. I would have to be dead to stay away from you.", I whispered aloud before falling asleep.

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