Chapter 10

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Omg! This has 1.6 K views!!! My brain exploded when I saw that! You people are so awesome! In honor of you awesomness, I will give you a new chapter. I'm completely exhausted so I'm sorry for ignoring this very needed update.

Oh and btw, I do read the comments you guys leave (they make me smile :D) but I don't respond for several reasons. I've been meaning to address this for a while so if you were offended or something, it's not personal. I just don't comment on stuff. I do appreciate everything you guys say, even if you say you hate me ;). I didn't know if it bothered you guys or not so, yeah.

Enjoy! :D


Ze and I headed for my place a few hours later. I was trying my hardest not to stare at him the entire ride. I'm so confused.

Am I crazy? Was I in love? Dammit, I need answers! I sighed in frustration. Ze turned to look at me.

"Everything alright, Chilled?" Chilled, not Anthony.

"Everything's freaking perfect.", I mumbled. Ze sighed.

We arrived at my place  a few minutes of akward silence later. I unlocked the door and let him inside. He carries his suitcases in and relaxes on the couch.

"I've missed you, bud.", he says to me. I nod and start cleaning up a little.

"Chilled, talk to me, please?" I keep walking. Steven stands and shoves me into the wall. What the hell?!

"I mean it, Anthony." His voice is low and dark. "Tell me what's wrong." I shiver as he runs his hand down my side.

"I-I can't tell you.", I whisper.

"Why not?" 

"You'll hate me." I feel the tears start to fall. I force them to stop and look at Steven.

"I would never hate you...I love you." Steven's lips press lightly against mine.

"Is this another dream, Steven?", I ask, not wanting to go through that again. He smiled at me.

"No. When have you been having dreams about me?"

"A-at the hospital. I dreamed we started dating and then we fought and...and..." I couldn't finish.

"And?" He placed kisses on my jaw.

"Y-you died." He stared at me a moment. I didn't even try to hold back the tears this time.

"Is that why you've been so upset?" I nod into his chest as he hugs me.

"I love you, Steven. Don't leave me, please."

"Never. I love you too much.", he whispers.


Ahh! So much happiness! I promise I won't ruin it. *evil grin*

I wanted to know, if I started writing a collection of one shots would you guys send me requests? Last time I did something like this no one would give me ships or senarios so I gave up. I don't want that to happen again. I would gladly write one for you guys since it won't be long until this is finished. Lemme know!

I love you guys! <3

-SteadyRifle- xoxox

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