04. sunshine when its raining

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when hangyul arrived at the shop, he was attacked with questions left and right from minhee, yunseong and eunsang. his afternoon shift was starting soon and he knew the bakery was going to be packed once it reached twelve o'clock since it was lunch hour.

"you know who was looking for you early in the morning after i opened the shop?" minhee asked, making hangyul's heart skip a beat.

"who?" hangyul asked as he put on his apron and headed towards the cashier, "shouldn't you be on dishwashing duty?"

"yes but—" hangyul glared at the younger, restocking the cups and straws, "okay the ceo was looking for you!"

hangyul froze, looking at minhee to make sure he wasn't joking. the younger had a serious face on which scared the living daylights out of the older since minhee was always so cheerful, "a-are you serious?"

"of course i'm serious!" minhee exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, "ask yunseong!"

yunseong came out from the back room with a freshly baked tray of sugar cookies, "i heard my name"

minhee immediately threw an arm around the boy, "ceo cho came and asked for him, didn't he?"

yunseon nodded, pushing the tray into the displaying cabinet, "it shocked me too"

eunsang then popped out of nowhere, "are you and ceo cho having an affair?"

hangyul's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of its sockets, "guys! we are not having an affair!"

"then why would he suddenly ask for you" eunsang mumbled, "did you guys happen to meet last night after my shift ended?"

hangyul sighed, "we did. now can we get back to work before you spill out random nonsense and create a rumor?" hangyul whispered, "i promise to tell you guys when its out lunch break"

the two boys happily nodded, minhee going to the back to wash the dishes while hangyul stayed up front for his shift. he put a hand over his beating heart and let out a soft sigh. an unknown smile wandered onto is face as he thought of the ceo looking for him. why was he even looking for him?

this shouldn't be like one of those ridiculous stories where the ceo falls in love with an ordinary person. that ordinary person was him for god's sake! and he already had a son. no one would want someone who'd already been fucked and—

"uh excuse me?" hangyul shook his head, looking at the customer who was probably standing there for the past minute or so while hangyul was daydreaming.

SOMEONE'S SOMEONE. seungyul ✓Where stories live. Discover now