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 Since his intern left earlier, Bogum decided to go home first to fetch his husband so they could go together in the restaurant where the brat asked them to go. So after a couple of hours, the couple found themselves being ushered by the waitress inside the luxury restaurant they found in the heart of Daegu. 

 "Wow, the name doesn't give a justice in the interior of this restaurant honey. How did u find this?" Taehyung asked his husband while his eyes are roaming around the place. Bogum giggles upon remembering the name of the place.

"Yeah, you also think that the name of this resto is funny?" the doctor asked his husband who's still gaping at the beauty of the interior of the said resto. 

 "That's right, KKOCHI E KKOJHYEO? Who even name a place like this with that ridiculous name?!" Tae smiled back at him.

The couple are still giggling with each other when a man suddenly appeared behind Taehyung, joining them in their conversation.

 "I guess Yoongi hyung was trying to be funny when he named this resto, but I guarantee you, they got the best lamb skewers here." the man with the most beautiful voice smiled at Bogum before sitting beside the doctor right in front of Taehyung who suddenly got frozen on his seat upon laying his eyes to the same face that's been haunting him for days!

 "Honey look who's here! You finally came Jeon jungkook!" Bogum chimed in! 

Taehyung feels like his head is about to explode, his stomach is about to digest itself & he feels like he just swallowed his own tongue. The man he dreamed about, the man who kissed him even without knowing him is sitting right across him beside his own husband! 

He couldn't even hide the fact that he's shocked to see the man in flesh until Bogum tried to catch his attention.

 "Taehyung, honey are you okay?" It's only then when Taehyung finally found his voice again. 

"Oh, yes honey. I'm sorry I think I need to go to the bathroom." he uttered.

Jungkook might be over confident a lot of times, but this time he's sure that Mr. Park, Bogum's husband got frozen when he saw him. And he's not denying the fact that it made him a bit nervous for unknown reason. But what really surprised him was when he almost also got up when he saw him walk towards the toilet. He doesn't know how or why but he feels like something is pulling him towards the boy. But since he's here sitting with Dr.Park, he tried to erase that ugly feeling bubbling inside his stomach! He might just be so hungry now, he convinces himself.

***Taehyung splashes water on his face continuously. He really couldn't believe that the boy in his dream is an actual human; alive and much worst—he's his husband's colleague. 

 "How could I possibly dream of a person I have never met before? Do I have super powers now?" he asked himself while staring at the mirror. He knows he sounded like crazy man but he just really couldn't think of an acceptable reason to his questions. He was about to speak again when two other men joined him in the toilet so he quickly dries himself with a paper towel before going back at their table where Bogum & his newly licensed doctor are both busy chatting about the last patient they treated in the hospital. Bogum immediately sent a smile at his direction when he saw him.

"You feel better now Tae?" he asked. 

 "Yeah, I'm sorry about that earlier."

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