After math!

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Hey! For anyone who still reads this story, I just want to say thank you so much for all the support! I wrote this in 7th grade and did not expect it to blow up so much, but it did, and now it's two years later and I always look back on it and cringe so much 😭😭. I just don't understand how people found it so amusing and entertaining and to this day people still read it. I mean there are literal chapters that I can't go on because I get too embarrassed reading them like, damn is this really what I thought was entertaining in 7th grade? But the fact that people still read this amazes me, so thank you all for all the support! ❤️
Ps. To everyone who complained about how I end the story with Jughead dying, life isn't perfect! Not all stories will end with a happy ever after. But everyone has been so accustomed to fairy tale endings that that is what they expect from nearly everything they read or watch. Sorry buddies! But I'm not changing the story. 😘

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