A/N: I hop u enjoy this stroy! I woked relly hard onit becuse I hat jak pall so much but I love fireemblm thre housing!! DONT LIKE DONT RRAD AND IF U FLAME UR A JAK PALLER
Ashley was at her houes on dat waching chrarlie adn the cockolate faktry whith her beast chum pal Allison. She was also thinking of hoe much she HATS jak pallers. It was wen Mik Tevee was getung shanked wen sudnely, the tve was swiched to the hdmi tat her nitedo swech was on. Ashley was like "WHAA? NANII?" and soapis from fiar eblem was on the TV screen allison was also surprised!!
Sotthus sad, "ASHLEY! ALLISON! Oyu hat jak pall rite? And u love talyor swat??"
Ashley replayed "yes of coruse!" And Allison also sed "who u thick we are???"
Sotis sdeaid "good. There is a ifestaton off jak pallers in mi wrold and i hav raisin 2 beleaf that jak pall himself has infeltratad may world so will u 2 help me."
Ashley sad, "Of coruse!!! Y wood we let jak pallers lice on any word?? And Allison agred.
Jak pallers were evel and they neded 2 b stoped.
Sothis said, 'thank u I am very greatful I will take u 2 my world now"
And then Ashley and Allison were transpoted to Fodlen by soathis! And also they ware studunts enroaled in the Garage Match Momentary! They we're in the Golden Deer hose
Ashley sed exictedly "Comeon Allison we have to met everion! And fite the jak pallers ofcours"
Allison noded in agreement.
Ashley met a lot of nic pepole tat warent jak pallers. She also found the jak pallers in the baka eagl hous. The only acception was Linrat, who was not a jak paller but he was sutc in a calls wit da jak plaers. And so was Bernadata.
Ashley pramased 2 fre them wen she cold and and they sed okay and countued lisening 2 talur sweft.
Ashley hten mat other ppl like Calude, the leder of the golden deer house who was really nice and Dimitri the leather of the blue lions hose who was also relly nice.the only mean on was Edlegrad who was a jak paller so Ashley hatted here.
She also met hilda who was relly petty.
And alot of other ppl like ash, ddue, itnatz, raphael, lysthea, and Lorenz who nobody liked becase he was a jak paller and Ashley was loking forwerd 2 betting him up and stelling his lonch monu.
Ashley was enjying her tim wen sudanly Hubbert waked up and sed, "Ugh... a Swiffer... what trash comprar to jak pall."
Ashley sad, "WUT did u say abbot me???" She then bet up Hubbart and put on Blank Space - Taylor Swift on her iphone and wached as Hubret dieded lissening to it.
Ashley sihged, "once a jak paller always a jak paller..."
She then went 2 her dorm which was rite next 2 Allison's and then they had a sleppover bc they're best frands.
Ashley sad, "We cna tak car of this can we Allison?" And Allison replid, "Ya! We r stroger tan thos dumb JAK PALLERS!!"
They then wetn 2 slep, exited to figt and kill the jak pallers alongside Clod and Demtri and the rest of the gloden der and blou loans to defet Edalgurd adn hte blak egles.
Frie Eblem Thre Hoses: Retrun of hte Jak Pallers
AdventureAshley is a grill who hats jak pall more tan anythig and lovs lisening 2 Taylor Swit. Wen sudenly, Sotes form Fries Embalm Thee Hoses shoes up and says she has 2 kill the jak pallers in her world, Ashley agres and is sudenly a studant of Garg Mac Mo...