chapter 6

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chapter 6

*Renay Point of View*

We ended up spending the rest of the day at the park with a football as the boys call it or a soccer ball for us. Since we were out in public we had a couple of security guards that rosie and i kept a distance from, one was named Paul; we knew of him, he seemed nice as he joined in the game but he was still scary all security guards are. A couple of fans came and got photo's with the boys but it was 9am and quite chilly so there weren't many.

Half an hour into the game Zayn managed to kick the ball where it hurts into Louis it was so funny but i felt bad coz i did it to Liam then Rosie was laughing at me but i joined in with her. The game then turned into boys on girls which was totally not fair i mean 5 on 2 and it doesnt help when us girls have no skills on soccer and cant kick straight! I was going in for the ball but a pair of hands grab around my waist and lift me 90 degrees and place me back on the ground i then realised it was Liam as he ran infront of me dribbling the ball "hey thats not fair!"

"pay back for before babe" he says running off with a laugh.

Rosie then came up to me swinging her arm around my sholder and some how managed to say " i give up" inbetween breaths

"agreed should we do the code?"

"yes!" She yells. We both then stumbled to the ground holding our ankles and whinning in pain, you couldnt tell it was fake or anything (not) Niall rushed over to me scooping me up in his arms yelling "we needs a doctor" whilst turning to the boys. I litteraly have fireworks goin off inside my body. Niall James Horan litteraly has me in his arms!


Harry was going to pick up Rosie but she scrambled out of his hands, she never has let people pick her up but she always jumps on her brothers backs if they do something to her or tackle them to the ground it always happens when im at her house. Always.

On the way back to the apartment Harry and Louis went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for his burrito's he is going to make for dinner, Louis practiclly bribed him to make them, they must taste good i'll have to try them later.

The aroma comming from the kitchen smelt so good it was making everyone hungry. Finally taking a bite of my chicken burrito it tasted so good wih a burst of flavour exploding in my mouth. Sitting around the table with everyone finishing off there meal i had 1, rosie had 1 and a half with the boys having 3 wait make that 3 and a half for Niall as he grabbed Rosie's other half off her plate and stuffing it into her mouth with Liam telling him off for stealing her food.

Rosie and i went to our room to go call our parents when i noticed my phone wasn't in my pocket of my jeans "shit" i cursed to myself patting down on my body trying to find it. Looks like my brand new iPhone 5 is now lost.

"arn't you going to call your family?" I turn to Rosie as her voice catches my attention.

"i would but i lost my phone"

"shit really?"

"yep, im guessing it fell out my pocket when we were playing soccer'

"we'll go find it sure we'll find it"

"ok i'll leave you to make your call then" i said while exiting the room

I jolted when i heard a smash, sitting up i noticed i once again fell asleep! So much for not falling asleep infront of them that's twice now.

"good one Niall you woke her" Louis says.

"sorry" he apologises.

" it's fine what time is it? And how long have i been asleep for?

Niall "11:30"

Zayn"you slept for almost an hour"

wow really i dont even remembering falling asleep

"oh were's Rosie?" I ask

Liam"do you always have so many questions when you wake up? and she went to bed like 15 minutes ago"

"ok thanks. Night boys"

And with that i got a courus of "good nights" and went to bed.


hey thats chapter six, this is a long chapter i came up with it while i was babysitting :)

also i know i've said this before and i'm gonna keep saying it untill someone does it but you need to




please please please i just want to now how your liking the book so far

Twitter: bronte001

Instagram: bronte_02

thanks bronte xoxoxox

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