1. The reason why I am making this plot shop is for the people that love The 100 and want to write a story but can't think of anything.
2. I do accept requests for those who want me to put together a plot for them! There will be a form below this part and you'll comment there!
3. I do not give my plots to those who are rude and to those who spam me. It may take me a day or two to decide whether I give the plot to you or not because I am very picky and I want to make sure my plots are in good hands!
4. If I do give you a plot, I expect the first part of the book to be up after two weeks!
5. I also expect to see credit that the plot is mine somewhere in your book.
6. If a plot is taken, beside the title there will be a bolded X.
7. I do make plots for a lot of the characters in The 100 so if you are requesting and there is a love interest for the OC, it can pretty much be anyone!
Anyway, that is basically all the rules! So please follow them and we will be good!