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With George taking the dogs out, Bucky secured Tibby on his shoulders, so she could reach the taller branches. Holding her calves, Bucky leaned forward at Tibby's request. Only for Tibby to change her mind and direct Bucky to another spot on the other side of the tree.

"Should've invited Sam," Bucky muttered as he maneuvered around his sisters and Steve.

"But you're the best big brother," Steve teased, making sure he didn't miss the opportunity to pat Bucky's bum as he passed him.

Playfully, Bucky narrowed his eyes at Steve. In reply, Steve threw his head back to loudly laugh at his boyfriend before, being the little shit that he was, winking at Bucky. Although Bucky kept up the act of annoyance, he thrilled at the way Steve didn't hold back. When Steve wanted to touch Bucky, he did. He didn't feign nonchalance as he pretended to accidentally knock his knee against Bucky's. He didn't falsely stretch just to move closer unsuspiciously.

It made Bucky's heart soar to know that he wasn't the only one who had a crush on his best friend and that Steve had reciprocated all along. And if someone had told fourteen year old Bucky that one day he'd know what Steve's lips felt like, he would've never believed it. Hell, even with Steve being his boyfriend, Bucky sometimes found it difficult to believe. Occasionally feeling the urge to pinch himself to make sure that it was real and not an elaborate dream.

Instead of pinching himself, Bucky reached over and playfully pinched Steve's bum when he bent over to grab another ornament. Scandalized, Steve stood upright and gawked at Bucky, causing him to laugh so hard that he nearly dropped Tibby as she sat on his shoulders.

"What's so funny?" Tibby asked, placing her hands on Bucky's forehead to tilt his face back so they could be looking at each other.

A louder bubble of laughter escaped Bucky as he moved his hands from Tibby's calves to her hands. Successfully removing her tiny hands from his face, Bucky asked, "You ready for another ornament?"

"Yes, please," Tibby eagerly confirmed, holding out her hand for Bucky.

Accepting an ornament from Becca, Bucky handed it to Tibby and questioned, "Where do you want to place this one?"

Quietly, Steve seductively commented, "I know where I'd hang it."

A deep blush colored Bucky's cheeks, and it only deepened when Tibby became intrigued, "Where?"

"Nowhere," Bucky quickly answered before randomly picking a spot right in front of his face, "Right here."

"But there's already ornaments there," Tibby complained. Petting Bucky's head with her empty hand, she confirmed, "You're so silly."

Bucky's blush started spreading down his neck and to the tips of his ears, never realizing just how condescending a six year old could be until that moment. Which, of course, Bucky should've realized sooner considering how grown up Tibby could sound sometimes. Bucky figured that was what happened when she was constantly surrounded by dramatic teenagers.

"Bucky is the silliest," Steve agreed cheekily, leaning forward to press a loud kiss to his cheek.

"He is!" Tibby wrapped her arms around Bucky's head and gave it a squeeze as she kissed the top of Bucky's head.

Not really able to catch his breath, Bucky pried her arms away and decided to take her down from his shoulders. George was back anyway. Making sure that the dogs weren't going to attack the gingerbread house or knock over Conner again. When they hopped onto the couch, Thor immediately rested his head on Mandy's lap and rolled onto his back to accept belly rubs while Loki pristinely sat on the end of the couch before kicking Thor's legs out of his way. As the Labrador slowly slid from the sofa, and once the naturally happy dog was on the floor, he simply rolled around on his back. Only then did the Doberman ease into the cushion, happy to have it for himself.

"Thor silly!" Conner announced as he forgot about decorating the tree and rushed over to pet the big dog. Instantly placing his chubby hand on Thor's belly and give the golden fur a good rub, causing his tail to go wild. Squealing, Conner repeated, "So silly!"

A bit remorsefully, Alana sighed. Bucky knew why. Conner had informed Santa that he wanted a doggie for Christmas. Only, Alana was in the process of getting an apartment and a dog just wasn't in the plans for them, unfortunately. She still wasn't sure how to break it to her son just yet.

Leaning down, Conner hugged Thor and openly admitted, "I love Thor."

Alana squeaked out a wounded sound and left for the kitchen. Concerned, Steve followed his older sister, and Bucky's chest clenched. Knowing that Bucky would do the exact same thing for any of his sisters. Hell, Bucky knew that if Steve hadn't gone to console Alana, he would've. But Bucky assumed that anyone who cared about someone would do that.

"Okay," Sarah giddily clapped her hands, gaining everyone's attention. Joseph was taking out the antique star and Sarah clarified, "It's time for the topper!"

Taking a seat on the floor in front of Loki, Bucky gladly accepted Conner's affection when he climbed into his lap. Both looking over towards the almost finished tree while Alana and Steve joined the rest of the family in the living room. Alana was tucked under Steve's protective arm, and Bucky couldn't help but smile.

Catching Bucky looking at him, Steve crossed his eyes. Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes and redirected his attention to the tree where Joseph was now placing the star. Content, Bucky soothingly smoothed down Conner's wild blond curls. This was everything that Bucky had ever wanted, and he hoped that one day, his own future children would have the blond curls that ran rampant in the Rogers' gene pool.

When Bucky glanced back over to find Steve fondly watching him, he hoped that Steve wanted the same future that he did.

Winter In Your Arms: Seasons Series 2 (Lifeguard!Steve and Bucky Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now