You & I-Zabdiel💙

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For cncogirl18

I would like to say that this in no way reflects the way I see Zabdiel's parents, brother, and family. I just did it for the imagine request:) I have nothing but respect and love for them!

But enjoy! Thank you for reading! Much love💜



*B's POV*

Me: "Zab, I'm nervous..."

Zabdiel: "You don't have to be, my parents are really nice, they re excited to meet you."

Me: "Did you tell them that I don't speak Spanish that well?"

He paused and started playing with his hands.

Zabdiel: "I maayyy or maaay not have forgotten to mention that to them..."

Me: "WHAT?!"

Zabdiel: "Bebe, I am sorry, I forgot to mention it. Plus it shouldn't matter or be a problem! My parents speak some English."

He started rubbing my back to calm me down.

Me: "You are right, everything will be ok. Thank you."

He leaned down and kissed me.

Zabdiel: "No matter what, I will still love you no matter what, remember that."

I nodded and smiled.

Before we left my apartment, he spoke one last time.

Zabdiel: "Oh, and one last thing. My parents are divorced, and so my dad will bring my step-mom."

Me: "Ok, thank you for letting me know."

He grabbed my hand and we left.

We went up two flights of stairs and we were at Zabdiel's apartment. We lived in the same apartment complex which was really nice.

He unlocked the door and I helped him set the table. Just as we finished doing that, there was a knock on the door.

Zabdiel went to open it and in came 4 people. The first one, who I assumed was his mom due to how much they looked alike, walked in with a few pans with tin foil over them. Next came in a guy who I assumed was Zabdiel's older brother, Carlos Xavier. Lastly, two other people came in, which were his dad and step mom. They were all hugging and talking with Zabdiel and I was just standing there awkwardly since they hadn't seen Zabdiel in a long time, I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Zabdiel: "Oh! Mami, Papi, Johana, Carlos, esta es mi novia, B."

(This is my girlfriend B)

Zabdiel's mom came over and gave me a hug.

Zabdiel: "This is my mom, Noemi."

Me: "Bienvenidos, es un..."

(Welcome, it is a...)

I paused for a second trying to remember what the word was. Luckily, Zabdiel saved me.

He whispered the word "gusto" into my ear.

Yo: "Un gusto de finalmente conocerlos ."

(A pleasure to finally meet you all)

Noemi: "Hola hija, me alegro por fin poder conocerte, Zabdiel siempre habla de ti."

(Hi daughter, I am so happy to finally meet you, Zabdiel always talks about you)

I looked at Zabdiel who just whispered the word "igualmente" into my ear.

CNCO imaginas//CNCO imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora