1. a night to remember...

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POV Hermione:

I could not believe the scene that was playing out before my eyes. I had just gotten back from a long and tiresome night of studying, to find my boyfriend of a year and 3 months, Ronald Wealsey, snogging Lavender Brown. The two where half naked and completely all over each other. She was straddled over him as he firmly grabbed her arse. I stood in shock tears filling up my eyes, a lump grew in my throat. I wanted to cry, scream at him, but all I could do was stand there and let the emotions flood over me. Ron's bright green eye's stared back at me in disbelief that I had caught him in the act with Lavender Brown of all people.

"Hermione" he began as Lavender crawled off him "I can explain-"

I didn't want to hear what he had to say. Instead I gathered up all the courage that I had left and just ran. I ran out of his room, out of the Gryffindor common room passing some students sleeping peacefully on the couches. I ran all the way down the familiar and winding star cases, gripping the railings so tight as a way to keep my balance, and down hallways of Hogwarts and out to the massive Court yard. It was a dark and cold, and unlikely for anyone to be out at such a late hour of the night. I let myself fall to the ground in front of a cold stone statue. I sat there with my back against it letting the cold air wash over me and just cried letting all my emotions fall out of me like never before. 

As the night went on my sobs of pain and betrayal slowly got quieter. I sat leaning against the statue just staring at the tree that stood in front of me. It was nothing special just a tree. A tree that in my fourth year at this school, Draco Malfoy would sit in and eat apples. Particularly green apples. Ugh that boy was such an arrogant twat. Formerly known as the 'Prince of Slytherin' now know as a former death eater who was to weak to get the job done. 

"Granger?" I cool voice from next to me said.

I turned swiftly to see the tall, platinum blonde haired boy standing there looking down on me in my state of distress. It was as if the universe had read my mind, for Draco Malfoy stood before me. He wore an emerald green hoodie and black sweat pants. His grey eyes glistened in the moonlight, I never noticed it before, that he had such deep eyes filled with pain , betrayal and passion. It was odd seeing him alone with out a swarm of death eaters or his little side kicks glued to his side. 

"Malfoy?... uh what do you want?" I said trying to keep my composure, while I shivered against the cold air.

"I was walking back to my room when I heard you crying." 

"So you thought it would be a fun Idea to come and mock me? What are we back to the same petty ways?" I said standing up, trying to make myself look more confident, which did very little as he toward over me at 6'1 and I was a mer 5'4. I now stood between an annoying, arrogant, yet beautiful statue of a boy and a real statue.

"If that's what you so desire. Sure Granger, I'd be happy to taught you." He said with a devilishly handsome smirk "I thought that it'd be a bit more fun though if we..." He began to lean down so are faces nearly touched. His hands on either side of me, trapping me between him and the stature. I could smell the scent of peppermint rolling off his breath, the smell of rich cologne on his hoodie. He continued to inch closer and closer until it was as if we where breathing into each others mouths. I couldn't understand why he was doing this. He was someone that my best friends couldn't stand. Someone that I couldn't stand and yet I was letting his lips move closer and closer to mine until they finally touched. 

His hands snaking around my waist and mine found their way around his neck. Deeping the kiss. It was nothing like I've ever experienced his lips on mine where cold, yet riddled with warmth of joy and relief, the way he used his tongue asking, no demanding entrance into my mouth and I allowed him with no hesitation. One of his hand moving from my waist to under my thigh, pulling me up to him as he pushed me against the statute as if to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere. Which he didn't have to worry about I wasn't going anywhere. 

The kiss only got more and more passionate as he continued to lead with such a fire and almost a need to be in this moment. He trailed kisses down my jaw line and neck, I let out a small moan against him. He let out a light groan as he began to bite, kiss and slightly suck on parts of my neck. A wave of lust and need washed over me making my heart beat a thousand times per minute, my legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer wanting him as close to be as he could be. 

"Draa.." I said no louder then a whisper as a threw my head back against the cold stone statue. He continued to lead his kisses back up my neck and back to my lips, his hand on my thigh and one around my waist pulled me into him. 

After the passion and fire continued on for some time he pulled away releasing me from my trap of him and the stone cold statue that I leaned against. He used his thumb to whip the bottom of his smirking mouth. 

"Now wasn't that more fun than me mocking you Granger?" He spoke just above a whisper. 

I could only nod my head, yes, as I still wasn't completely over what had just happened. I stared into his stone grey eyes and saw them sparkle with joy weather it was the light from the moon or the delight of what just happened, I couldn't tell but it brought out a whole new side to the Slytherin Prince I once knew and once despised.

I shivered yet again from a cold breeze that hit my bear arms. I was wearing a white tee shirt that clung to my arms and body, and a pair of light blue jeans. 

At that Draco slipped off his hoodie revealing a black shirt underneath that pulled up slightly to reveal a defined V that went down to his pelvis. I couldn't take my eyes off of that one spot of him. I wasn't sure if he noticed me staring as he pulled his shirt down.  I looked up at him as he slipped his hoodie over my head as I breathed in his cologne. I never in a million years would think I would be wearing his hoodie or that I would let him even give me his hoodie. 

His hand stopped at my waist as he finished pulling the warmth of the hoodie over my head, he drew me in for a hug, one with such passion and warmth that I didn't want it to end, I wanted to stay in this moment, with my once despised enemy. I let my head fall into his chest and breath in his sent as he stroked my hair and his long fingers occasionally touching my face as he did. 

He pulled away after what seemed like ages from the hug and looked down on me with his gorgeous grey eyes staring into mine. His notorious smirk plastered on his face. 

"Now darling, we better get back to our rooms before anything else happens" He said with a lust in his voice that made me melt.

He gave me one last kiss before strutting off in towards his common room.

I turned in the opposite direction sneaking back the same winding halls and stairs as I did just an hour before, I snuck into the Gryffindor common room and into my shared room with Ginny who slept peacefully in her bed, unaware of  had just happened minutes before. 

I quickly changed into a pair of silky pajama shorts and a white tank top. Slipping his hoodie back on before I Lay in bed not being able to get my mind off of Draco Malfoy... 

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