The Truth

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After Draco calmed down, he started to explain why he had felt the need to cut himself.

"It started in 5th year; my dad forced get the dark... mark." He said hesitantly. "I didn't want to follow... Voldemort... I didn't want to be... bad." He continued, tears slipping out of his eyes, falling to the ground. "I didn't want to have that ugly mark... I couldn't commit suicide so I... started c-cutting myself."

"I'm sorry...I didn't know." Harry said with pity. "I know it's hard to deal with things like that, but...let's work together to make your life a little brighter." He put on a small smile.

"How are we gonna do that?" Draco asked doubtfully. He had already tried so many times to stop himself, failure always following after him.

"Well, you can make a sort of calendar and with two different colors mark a line one very good and bad thing that happened that day." Harry said as he grabbed some parchment paper and drew a messy calendar on it.

"How's that gonna help?" Draco frowned. It didn't make sense to him, how was a calendar going to spot him, was it a magical calendar? he wondered.

"It makes you see all the positive things that happened in the day no matter how big or small." Harry smiled gently, Draco however, stayed quiet. "Let's say something bad happened at the end of the day, that could make you think the whole was bad really when it wasn't." He paused to Iook at Draco on the verge of tears.

" Little by little you'll stop cutting." He reassured though the blonde still looked a bit skeptical. "This is just the first step to recovery, giving a more positive outlook to life can make you feel better by the end of the day. After you're view of the world is more positive then we can work on managing your impulses.

"How do you know it's gonna work?" Draco whimpered.

"I just know." Harry said, hugging Draco, careful not to hurt his wounds.

Harry and Draco worked together to make a big giant calendar, they hung it up next to Draco's desk. Marking it with lines daily.

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Love you all!♡

-Love Doki

Old scars (Drarry) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now