Chapter 13

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Dean sauntered into the morgue and came to a sudden stop, causing Sam to run into him.

"Ow, what the heck?"

"Oh joy, it's you again," Dean grumbled at the two FBI agents from the scene.

"Didn't I tell you to get lost?" the woman snapped at him.

"Look, lady, we have orders and we intend to follow them."

She rubbed a hand over her face. "I know for a fact you aren't FBI, those badges are as fake as that car salesman's grin you flashed at me at the crime scene."

"That's rude," Wyatt said from the back of the group.

"Aren't you a bit young to be an FBI agent?" she asked him.

"College mentorship program, it's new, gives prospective agents a chance to get into the field. Ya know, see if this is really what they want to do," Dean answered quickly.

She snorted. "Look, bucko, I suggest you scram before I call my superior and have all of you arrested for impersonating agents."

"Maybe I should call my superior and have you two arrested," Dean countered. "What do you think, Sammy? Sound like a good idea?"

Sam shook his head.

The man stepped forward to stand beside the female agent. "Mintha, maybe we should go before this escalates. We can handle it from the office."

"Yes, run along home and let the real agents handle this." Dean made a shooing motion toward the door.

"If I wasn't a lady, I'd shoot you," Mintha muttered.

"Try me, lady."

Sam placed a hand on Dean's shoulder. "I think our friend here is right, we should drop it and handle this through the proper channels."

"Proper channels my—"

"Dean," Sam said in a warning tone.

Dale strolled past her brothers, sent the two other agents a smile and proceeded to pull out the drawer contianing their murder victim. She hummed as she inspected the body. "Hey, Dean, you should take a closer look at this wound, it's very interesting."

The other two agents shared a look that Dean chose to ignore for the moment and walked to stand beside Dale. He cursed after inspecting the wound.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"Something I'm not gonna discuss in front of these two, pretty sure we're more qualified for this gig. Let's go, I need to call Cas and fill him in."

Again the two agents shared a look. Dean glared at them as he passed and exited the room.

"It was, um, nice to meet you," Wyatt told them with a wave.

"Ugh, let's go, Wyatt," Dale said, grabbing his arm as she passed and hauling him from the room.

They piled into the car and left.

"So, you gonna tell us what you two saw?" Sam asked.

"Angel blade. One hell of an angry person wielding it too. They struck hard and deep, the impression on the surface of the skin confirms it."

"Also, one of the only things that can kill an angel," Sam reminded him.

"Good point. Anyone besides me notice the looks our new FBI buddies were exchanging when we were discussing the stab wound?" Dean asked.

Wyatt thrust a hand in the air.

"An answer will suffice, kid, you don't need to raise your hand to answer a question," Dean told him.

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