Chapter 14

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Dale was the first through the door of diner, so she was the first to spot the FBI agents sitting in a corner booth. She spun around. "Right, changed my mind, not hungry, let's just go back to the motel."

"Well, I am hungry so we're staying," Dean said as he shoved past her. He stopped and stared at the booth. "Why do I feel as if Chuck is punishing us?"

Dale snorted. "As if he cares what we do."

Sam pushed past the two of them. "Trust me, he's more interested than we'd like. Let's just eat. Can you manage that without trying to murder them, Dean?"

"Can't guarantee it," his brother answered cheerfully.

They sat at a table on the opposite side of the restaurant from the two FBI agents.

Dale fiddled with the menu, she couldn't decide between a bacon double cheeseburger or a BBQ bacon double cheeseburger. These were life's tough choices.

The server came over to the table. He grinned at them. "All righty then, I'm Kyle and I'll be your server today, everyone ready to order?"

Dean tossed his menu on the table. "Bacon cheeseburger, fries."

"All righty." He looked at Dale. "And for you, precious."

She scowled. "Let's start with you not calling me precious and move on to a BBQ bacon double cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake."

"All righty, and you?"

Wyatt looked up. "Oh, um ... chicken Caesar wrap and coleslaw please, oh and a glass of water."

"Okay, and you?"

"Salad, dressing on the side and water for me too," Sam said as he handed over his menu.

"Righty, I'll be back with your drinks." The server walked away, humming.

"That guy was way too cheerful," Dale commented.

"Aren't they always?" Dean said.

They sat back, discussing the case, mulling over what they'd found. Several minutes passed before a woman and three men walked up to the table.

"You will come with us, Wyatt Mallory," the woman demanded.

A startled Wyatt looked up at her. "What?"

"You are the prophet Wyatt Mallory and you will come with us," she repeated.

Wyatt glanced wildly around the table.

Dean held out a hand to Wyaat. "Calm down." He glanced at the woman. "He ain't going anywhere with you, sweetcheeks."

Sam stood. "Angels or Demons?"

The woman flicked her wrist and an angel blade appeared in her hand. "You will give us the prophet, Sam Winchester."

"Not likely, we found him first!" Dale shouted as she jumped up from her seat.

"I'm not a penny you picked up from the ground!" Wyatt protested.

"Of course not, I just ... never mind, we have something more important to worry about right now."

"Give us the prophet," the woman demanded again.

Across the restaurant Aramintha sank in her seat. "Great I'm not going to get to finish my sundae."

Noah's eyes were glued on the angels. "They want the prophet."

"Of course they do. I suppose we have to intervene?"

"It wouldn't be very nice of us to simply vanish."

With a groan, Mintha stood and crossed the diner, Noah trailing behind her. She stopped behind the group of angels.

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