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I was given a request...... But you will NEVER know who it was from.... Oh well.. hehe... :3..... Any way the cat's name is Appletail..... and is a she-cat... Any body got a request?? Well.... ask me.. if your afraid I only bite when threatened xD... but I can't bite you through an iPod so your safe.... And I will not criticize you.. or make fun of you.... I will only say no if it's inappropriate..... Anyone want me to draw..... Wait I forgot to draw Spottedleaf and Yellowfang.... Sorry Frostycloud I totally forgot..... STUPID SCHOOL!!! But I'll work on that and if you made a request that I haven't done yet...(this may sound weird to you but that's me for ya..) Just annoy me so I remember it and annoy me until I finally say that I'm working on it?? That's all.....

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