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(avianna's pov)

I only had 2 hours of sleep last night. I was trying to figure out what I was gonna do, but nothing came to mind. I woke up and looked at the time. 7:50am. SHIT.

I threw the blankets on me and ran to my closet. I threw on jeans and a champion t shirt and threw my hair in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and ran downstairs. I was so used to Austin waking me up. I looked at the time and saw it was 7:55am. I don't live far from school so i had time to make it by 8:05am.

I ran out to my car and took a glance at Austin's house. He was walking towards his car. I looked down and got in my car, throwing my bag in the passenger seat. I drove to school with complete silence.

I parked in a random parking spot and got out, grabbing my bag. I locked my car and walked inside of the school. I walked towards my locker and Imani gave me a weird look.

"You didn't walk in with Austin." She said confused. I looked at her and then back at my locker. The pictures only make me sad now. I grabbed my books and heard a gasp beside me. I looked at Imani and looked at what she was looking at.

Madelyn was trying to get Austin to rip those pictures of us in his locker. Imani looked over at me, finally understanding what was happening.

"I'll take them down later, mads!" He said to her. She shook her head, her blonde hair swaying back and forth. She demanded he take them down now. I looked at austin who was looking at his locker. He can't really be thinking about it, right? I was wrong.

He grabbed the edge of the taped pictures and ripped them off. one by one. He crumbled them up and threw them in the trash can nearby. Zion came up next to us, watching the whole thing too.

"Avianna, are you okay?" He asked, softly. I looked up at him, and slowly nodded my head. I turned to my locker and brought my hand to the pictures, about to rip them off. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"God dammit." I slammed my locker closed and walked off. I immediately got stares from people, but I didn't care.

When math came around, I walked in and saw Austin sitting in his usual spot. I glanced at him and sat in front of brandon and maggie instead of behind them like Austin. They seemed to notice and Brandon tapped my shoulder.

"Is something wrong with you and Austin?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head and he rubbed my shoulder a bit before paying attention to the class. I didn't listen, i was just thinking about how he ripped those pictures of us so effortlessly. The bell ring and I left, immediately going to Nick. I walked into class and sat next to him.

"I heard about what happened, are you okay?" He asked. I've been getting asked this a lot. He's one of the people that knows when I lie. I shook my head, laying my head on the desk. He rubbed my back.

"He's stupid. Madelyn is a bad person and he's dumb for not realizing it." He tried cheering me up. I turned my head and looked at him.

"He did it so effortlessly, he just began ripping the pictures out like they meant nothing to him." I told him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"He's so dumb, avi. He's dumb for not realizing he hurt your feelings." He replied. I nodded my head at him a bit.

"I told him to not come to me if he and her break up. I told him I wanted nothing to do with him." I whispered. I hadn't realized, but Milani was listening in on the conversation, so she turned around.

"You had every right to say that. If you know about her past and know she's bad for him, and he didn't listen to you? he doesn't deserve your time babes." She told me. I nodded my head at her.

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