
143 9 7

Kouyou's pov

I really miss my cat. I haven't seen her in a few days. I sighed, causing Takanori's attention to display onto me. He nudged my arm, "Genki desu ka?" I shrugged, "I miss my cat. So I guess I could be better." Takanori smiled at me, "Tell me, tell me so I can help fix the problem!"

I giggled, " Īe, it's ok. I'm fine, honestly."

He frowned, "Onegai, tell me." I sighed, "I miss my neko." He smiled, "Wanna go get her?" I stared at him, "My father probably has her." He shrugged, then walked over to the side of his king sized bed. He pulled out a rifle, "But we gots protection." He smirked. I giggled, "Who taught you how to speak properly?"

Takanori grabbed my hand, "Come! Let's go get your neko!" I nodded & jumped up following Takanori to his car. We drove to my house, blaring the radio. Living Dead Girl came on, so Taka decided to put it even louder. I think I may become deaf.

We arrived at my house, I opened my door & walked in silently. Takanori rushed past me, preparing his gun for murder. I headed up the stairs towards my room & opened my door to see my cat hanging from a noose, her intestines acting as the noose. I gasped & ran to Tōshirō, untying the noose. I clutched her body & cried into it.

A soft, small hand squeezed my shoulder, "Kou..." I looked back at him, tears blurring my vision. My lip quivered violently, "L-let's g-go." He nodded. I set her body down & covered her up. I packed some clothes, beauty essentials, shoes & underwear. We left sooner than expected. The ride back home was silent & the atmosphere was thick & heavy.

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