(Movie) Lloyd X Esmeralda You Love Me?

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At Ninjago Highschool

Lloyd p.o.v.
I just got off my school bus and walked towards the doors of highschool. I opened it and saw my friends there. "Hey Lloyd" said Cole "Hey Guys. What were you guys talking about it?" I asked them "I was explaining that we have a new student at this school" said Pixal. "And you have to show her around the school" said Kai "What? Why me?" I ask "we don't know. The principal chose you" said Nya. I sigh. "Okay. Do you know what's it name?" "No but she is a girl" said Kaylee "So do I have to go to the principal office right now?" I asked "Yeah will see ya later Lloyd" said Clover. The school bells rings. "We should get to class" said Echo "Indeed Brother" said Zane. My friends walked away to their class.

Meanwhile I walked into the Principal Office. I knock on the door I heard his voice "Come in". I walked in. "Yes?" "Lloyd Garmadon I want you to show Esmeralda this school" he said sounding disappointed in me. "Sure but why pick me? Don't you hate me?" I asked him. "I do hate you because of your father but since you know this school too well you have to show Esmeralda the school" he said. I sigh and nodded. "Esmeralda if Lloyd has done something wrong you can come to me" said the Principal. I saw her nodded. She grab her belongings and walk towards me. She has black long wave hair. Wear a light blue jacket and black pant. "Ready?" I asked her. She nodded "Sure!". We walked out of the Principal Office. "So your Lloyd Garmadon?" She asked "Yes and your Esmeralda right?" I said. She smiled "Yes that me!". We walked around the school showing her Library, Cafeteria,and Her Classroom. I decided to start a conversation with her. "So did you moved here or did you switch school?" "I didn't moved here I just switched school" she said. "Lloyd do everyone hate you? Because of your father" Esmeralda asked "Well not everyone. My friends and my Mom cared about me" I said "Oh that's good because I did feel sorry for you" "What do you mean?" "I mean your father scares people and destroyed Ninjago. And the people blamed for you and your father. It's just...isn't right...they need to know you Lloyd" said Esmeralda. I blush at her kindness. "Oh um thanks Esmeralda. Um do you want to hangout with my friends and I?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded. "Sure! I can't wait to meet them"

At Lunch Time

Esmeralda and I got our lunch and walk towards my friends table. "Hey Bro" said Kai giving me a fist bump and did it. "Hey Guys. This is Esmeralda" I said "Hi everyone" she said.

"Nice to meet you I'm Nya"

"Kai is mine name"  

"H-Hello my is Jay"

"Hi I'm Clover, Jay little sister"

"Hello! I am Echo"

"Hello! I am Zane"

"Pleasure to meet you Esmeralda my name is Pixal"

"My name is Kaylee"

"I'm Vivi"

We all looked at Cole. He was distracted by his music. Vivi tap his shoulder. "Huh?" Cole looked at Esmeralda "Sorry. I'm Cole nice to meet you uh?" "Esmeralda" she said "Thanks for having me into your group" "It's no problem" I said to Esmeralda. "So what bring you here to Ninjago Highschool" asked Kaylee. "Well to be honest I wanted to go to this school at first but my mom wanted me at a private school but overall I didn't like it their so my mom brought me here" said Esmeralda. "Well I'm glad you join this school" said Vivi. "If you guys don't mind if I ask you a question?" Ask Esmeralda. All of us agree to answered her question. "Have you guys seen the Ninjas?". All of us froze for a sec. "Yeah but why are you asking us this question" I said "Well I was just curious especially what do they look like underneath their mask" said Esmeralda. "I don't think that the Ninja want to show their face to the public" said Nya. "I can understand their feeling to hide their identity" said Esmeralda. We all heard the bell ring and that's mean my Dad is attacking the city again. Everyone is evacuating the school while my friends and I stayed behind. "Lloyd where are you guys going?" Ask Esmeralda "Esmeralda you should followed the crowd? We'll come back we just have to do something" I said and ran off.

We went to the Ninja Hideout and got into our Ninja outfit and vehicles and stop my Dad. We took care of my Dad army but then I heard a voice which sounded like Esmeralda. She was falling down on the building. "Esmeralda!" I shouted and went to her.

Esmeralda p.o.v.
I was trying to find my friends but there are no where to be found. I saw Garmadon goons "Stop right there!" I ran away. They were following me but I went to a building and saw what's Garmadon doing. He then shot the building with his missile. I scream. I was falling down. This is the end for me. "Esmeralda!" I heard someone shouted my name. I felt someone caught me in their arms. I look up at the person turned out it was the Green Ninja. "you alright?" He asked me. I nodded. "Yes. Thank you for saving me" I said. He landed his dragon machine. "Will I ever see you again?" I ask him. "um I don't know but I will try" he said. "Oh well uh thanks again for saving me" I said. He nodded and took off. I hope I see him again but he looks familiar some how. I did walked back to school to find my friends or one of my teacher luckily I found them. They were okay. I ran up to them and hugged Lloyd. "Where were you guys? I have been worried have you" I said to them "Sorry about that we just have to make sure that everyone got out of the school" said Clover. I nodded. "The principal said that we can all leave early because Garmadon destroyed the school" said Lloyd. "It's gonna take awhile to rebuild the school" said Echo. Soon everyone go back to their home.

Later At Night

I was laying on my bed reading a book. Until I heard something from the window. I went towards my window and opened my window and looked out.

"Hello there"

I looked up it was the Green Ninja that saved me. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask him "I came here to visit you. You said that you want to meet me again" he said "Oh right. So what's your name?" I said. He took a moment. "Um I'm sorry but I can't tell you" he said in a sad voice. "It's okay I understand. Hey do you want to come in? It's kinda cold out their" I said. He nodded "That's nice of you". He came inside of my room. "What should I called you? Since I can't know your name?" I ask him. He thought for a moment and sigh. "I guess call me Green Ninja" he said. I nodded in understanding. We talked for hours. Until it was time for him to go. "Will I see you again?" I ask him. He looked at me "Of course. I can come back her every night. Is that okay?" He ask "Yes that's okay. See you later Green Ninja" "Good Night um..." "Esmeralda" "Good Night Esmeralda" with that he left off into the night. Green Ninja. He sound familiar. He looks familiar but where?.

Couple Months Later

Lloyd p.o.v.
It's been couple of months since Esmeralda became our friends but she still didn't know my identity as the Green Ninja. I want to tell her but I'm scared of what she is going to say. I just can't keep this secret from her and my loved for her. I gonna tell her tonight. Hopefully she will understand.

Later on I invited Esmeralda to my home. "Lloyd, Esmeralda is here" said my Mom. "Coming!" I said. I went to the door "Hi Esmeralda" "Hi Lloyd" she said with a smiled. "Have fun you two" said my Mom. We walked into my room. "So what is that you are going to tell me?" Ask Esmeralda. I rubbed my arm. "Lloyd is everything is okay?" "Yes but I have to go to the bathroom" I said. When I got into the bathroom I changed my outfit into my Ninja outfit. I came out of the bathroom. Esmeralda looked up and saw me. "Green Ninja? What are you doing here?" "Um...Esmeralda. it's me Lloyd" "Lloyd?" She walked up to me. She grabbed my mask. I gave her a nodded. She took off my mask. "Lloyd? What are you doing as a Green Ninja?" "Like I said before I was chosen to become the Green Ninja" I said to her. "That's mean you fought your Dad". I gave her a nodded. "Did everyone know about you being the Green Ninja?" "Only our friends and they are apart of the Ninja Force" I said. I grabbed her hands. "There's is no more thing that I want to say to you" "What is it?" She asked. I blushed madly "I-I Esmeralda...there is something...I may...have this feeling towards you...of love" "You love me?" I nodded at her and closed my eyes. I then felt someone lip on mine. I opened my eyes to see Esmeralda kissing me. Soon I kissed back. We broke the kiss. "I love you too Lloyd" "I thought that you don't love me" "I do love you. I really do. I'll be there by your side" she said with a smiled. I soon gave her my smiled. We were holding hands. "I guess we gotta tell our friends about this" I said "We tell them tomorrow but for now I want to spend time with you" said Esmeralda. I'm glad that I confessed my feeling towards Esmeralda. I won't let anything happen to her. 

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