Chapter 73

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Author's Notes:
Welcome one and all to yet another chapter of Alpha and Omega. A couple of small announcements before I can allow you to read. First off, "The Secret Prince" as cleared over 300K views and I would like to thank you all for your support, next goal is 500K, so let's get reading!

Second, please take a look at the story "The Legend of Ash Ketchum" by @XXLXXL-009. I've had a chance to start reading it and I definitely believe you'll enjoy it.

Lastly, don't forget where I parked my blue police box, because there is no room in the DeLorean for everyone as we finish learning about Delia's last encounter with Giovanni, and then return to the present.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 73, enjoy.

"GIOVANNI!" Delia screamed at the top of her lungs. Despite not being able to see her, Giovanni could hear her scream loud and clear as it sent chills down his spine. A member of Giovanni's security was frantically pressing the button for the elevator as the other three took position to open fire as soon as they saw Delia or William.

Screams could be heard from the grunts as Delia and William fought through them. Giovanni and his security had no indication as to how the battle was going, but they didn't have any high hopes for the grunts or their Pokemon. As they nervously waited for the elevator, occasionally a Pokémon would be seen flying across the hall, or a grunt's head would be seen rolling on the floor.

The screams stopped just as the elevator doors opened. The guards pushed Giovanni in as one pressed the close door button and the one for the main floor, then joined the others as he radioed in that Giovanni was in the elevator. Delia, William, and their Pokémon came into view, the image of Delia was at that moment burned into Giovanni's memories, as she was covered in blood, and he knew none of it was hers. The guards opened fire just as the doors closed. Giovanni could still hear the gunfire as the elevator continued, until it finally stopped, telling him that his men were already dead. As the elevator doors opened, Giovanni exited to see dozens of armed grunts along the walls, with makeshift barriers set up for cover.

"Giovanni sir, this way," an officer said as he ran up to him. "I'll escort you to your office. From there you can access the gym and escape. Your helicopter has already been called in with an eta of ten minutes, and will meet you on the roof."

"Now the only question is can you and your men last long enough," Giovanni replied as he walked.

"Ha, the helicopter is only to follow procedures. The intruders won't even get halfway through my men," the officer replied as they arrived at Giovanni's office.

Giovanni opened the door and stopped. "The intruders are two Aura Guardians, and one of them is my sister Delia. I'll be lucky if you last five minutes against her." Giovanni then walked into his office and closed the door, leaving the officer shaking and with a look of fear plastered on his face, just as the gunfire started again.


As the elevator stopped, the grunts opened fire before the doors could even open. The gunfire stopped as the guns ran out of ammunition and needed to be reloaded, but they weren't worried as there was no way anyone could have lived through that. The elevator doors opened to show it was empty, except for one decapitated grunt. The Team Rocket members were scared now, and frantically tried to reload their weapons. Just then the elevator exploded in a blast of turquoise dragon energy. A second later, Dragonite flew out of the opening carrying Delia, William, and Lucario, who all jumped down and rushed the Team Rocket members. Lucario resorted to Metal Claw to rip then to pieces, while Delia was forced to abandon using her aura whips due to the narrowness of the hallway, and instead turned her hands into blades of aura to cut them up. Both were becoming soaked in the blood of their kills. On the other hand William and Dragonite barely had any blood on them. William was using his aura scythe, which he made the blade hot enough to cauterize the cuts enough to prevent the blood from spraying, while Dragonite just relied on simple blunt force from her tail and fists.

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