Chapter 81

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Author's Notes:
Hello everyone and welcome the chapter 81 of Alpha and Omega. I'm going to cut straight to the case, I'm sorry I'm late today. I got called into work early for an emergency and completely forgot today was update day. Please forgive me.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 81, enjoy.

Ash was walking down the middle of the main street that led to city hall, where Team Rocket was held up. On either side of him were burning cars, blown out buildings, and dead bodies of people and Pokémon. Some of the dead were police trying to stop Team Rocket or protect the civilians, while others were civilians running for their lives. Streaks of blood on the paved road showed these bodies were once in the middle of the street, but were moved to clear the path, presumably for him. Ash felt naked without his pokeballs, but especially without Pikachu riding on his shoulder. Ash would have loved to have had the support of his Pokémon with him, but with the risk that his Pokémon would be taking before he could complete his task, he left them with Serena for safekeeping in a building a few blocks away.

City Hall was right in front of him, with Team Rocket soldiers now being seen on rooftops and inside buildings, all with their eyes and guns locked on him. As he got closer, Ash could see a structure erected with what looked like some kind of futuristic laser cannon near the back. Surrounding the structure were over a hundred Team Rocket soldiers and grunts all in formation with their Pokémon, along with a few armored vehicles. Above all of this floated Arceus, unmoving like a statue in the sky.

Ash continued walking with an unwavering confidence, right between the files of Team Rocket soldiers, who didn't appear to even acknowledge his presence.

"That's far enough," a voice called out.

Ash stopped as he looked up at the raised structure and saw Giovanni walking up. A few steps behind him was Delia and a man with messy black hair wearing a red and white jacket. Both of them were being escorted by two soldiers each, with Lt Steele walking beside them. Ash wasn't sure who this man with the jacket was, but knowing how secrets seemed to go with his family, he was probably someone significant. Behind all of them Ash could see Jessie, James, and Meowth, as well as Buck and Cassidy.

"Let my mother go, Giovanni!" Ash demanded.

"Hmm, it seems that you have no negotiating skills. You should always start with pleasantries, and definitely speak in a calmer tone. It keeps someone from going on the defensive and improves your chances of getting what you want," Giovanni critiqued.

"So, you're going to teach me things now?" Ash scoffed.

"That's what family does for one another. Help compensate for short falls," Giovanni said with an evil smirk.

"What?!" Ash replied as he looked to his mother, who was glaring daggers at Giovanni.

"Well I can't say I'm surprised," Giovanni said with a sigh. "Your mother and I haven't been on good terms since before you were born."

"Well, killing someone's parents does tend to create some hard feelings. Maybe you should just let my mom go and you two can have a heart to heart about it right here and now," Ash replied with a smirk at the end.

On the structure Red was trying to contain his laughter as Delia was giving a devilish smirk, as her first thought from Ash's comment was to remove his heart.

"Now, now Ash! We both know how that would turn out. You don't want any harm to come to your dear uncle now do you?" Giovanni said with a victorious smirk.

Ash immediately looked to his mother for a sign to confirm or deny this. He was met with a sad expression upon her face as she nodded.

"Phew, that was close," Ash replied in a mocking tone. "I almost thought you were going to say you were my father. This is so much better than the thought of my mom having the poor taste to date you."

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