Chapter five

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I ran.I ran,sprinted,jogged,did anything to get home,get to my oasis.I didn't know what to do;I never had anyone do that to me.I never thought anyone liked me.Kyoya?Why him?Why someone who all the other girls liked?I'd never expected it.I never expected anything.

Getting home,I unlocked the door.My breaths were jagged from all the running, and I could hardly grasp the keys.Opening the door,I tumbled in-unsteadily locking the door behind me.Then,only then,I collapsed on the couch.What had I done?I'd just left him there too.Will he hate me now?Why didn't I catch any clues?Why was I stressing so much....

Next day...

Ew.I keep doing this lately,falling asleep on the couch randomly.Even better,I'm still in my uniform.Checking my phone,I found it to be 4am.Wow,I actually slept for ages!Feeling energised,as energised as you can feel at 4am,I grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard and decided to get changed early and fro whatever.If I couldn't get to sleep again,what else could I do-I couldn't talk to Haruhi.

After getting ready and switching my uniform to a new one,I texted Mori.He better be awake and have calmed down by now.Sliently texting him,I popped my phone in my pocket and left the house.I didn't know where I was going,nor did I care.I just wanted to check out the nearby area,as I'd never really been here recently.Walking along,I could feel the wind caress my skin.It was cold.I couldn't turn back now; I'd already left.I shivered once more.The streetlights were illuminating the pathway and the sky still revealed a moon and stars.It was dark and cold.

Feeling a beep in my po key,I picked up my phone.It was Mori,he'd actually answered and seemed,well,not bubbling over with anger anymore.That was good.He texted,'I'm fine now.Why are you up this early?'

Instantly replying,I texted,'I woke up super early and could go back to sleep.I'm on a walk right now.😋'

'What?You serious?Its so cold and dark.',he resorted.Our conversation continued,and I was so grateful for it.

Then the comfort broke.A black car pulled over to me;the driver echoed to me,'Get in.'

I couldn't breathe.What was happening?Why want me?I didn't want to get into a strangers limousine.I would never,not ever,do that.Why me?Did they know my past?They couldn't.No.In my internal commotion,I must've texted Mori,explaining my fright.Soothing my paranoia,I was told that it was his car.Actually,looking at the car,it was his.It was the same man from years ago and the same limo type.Phew.I was still suspicious though.

Cautiously,getting in,I smiled at the driver,who was the same as years ago.Tony.That was his name.Though his black hair had now faded to grey and his face has became more wrinkled(the common issues of getting older),his smile and demeanour was the same.He was so nice!

"Hey Tony!You really didn't have to do this."I explained,sitting down.

"Nonsense,Master wanted me to come get you.I didn't know you were in town!"he smiled,turning toward me.

Putting my seatbelt on,he drove off.I questioned,"Why would Mori want me to come?"

"Dunno,he probably just didn't want you out in the cold.What were you doing out there,Baka?"he responded.

Putting the music on,we continued the car journey,which only lasted ten minutes.Getting there,we went through the safety gate and we parked.Getting out,Tony opened the doors for me,which resulted in my embarrassment.After all,I wasn't above him anymore-we were both working class citizens.Inside,glass chandeliers and expensive paintings covered the rooms.I didn't care,it wasn't cold in here.

Sleepily walking downstairs,I ran to hug Mori."Hi!",I beamed.

Lazily wiping his eyes,which reflected his tiredness,he hugged back and questioned,"Why were you up this early,and in the cold?"

"I couldn't go back to sleep,sorry..."I apologised,slightly bowing to him.

I really didn't want to bother anyone.

Shaking his head,he grabbed my hand and we went into the living room.This was a different house,a new house.I wonder when he moved.Sitting down beside each other,Mori bluntly asked,"You better be okay from yesterday."

I smiled,"I am,but I'm more worried about you...Where did you go?"

"Just left.",he replied,monotonous.

"Oh,okay.You know,Mori,I really care for you;I didn't mean to leave...."I quietly mumbled.He'd heard me though.

We just sat in silence,before he ,also, smiled,"I know."

Fiddling with my hair,he let me talk about everything at school,boring things.We also talked about him too,his past experiences,the girls who liked him,and his friendship and protection of Honey.It was interesting, until we got to Kyoya.That thing.How was I supposed to tell him?I,still,didn't know how to understand it myself.

"What happened?"Mori asked,bored yet interested.

"Well,you see....Don't get mad...But...Like....Something happened...",I stuttered,making him nod,"Kyoya...He kissed me."

"What?"Mori asked,paying more attention.

I repeated,more confident this time,"He kissed me."

"Did you want him to?"he asked,raising his voice slightly.

"I don't know,I really don't know...Tell me what to do Mori."I begged.

Turning away from me,he replied,as if our connection never re-appeared,"I don't know,it's getting late.Im going to get changed.Lets go to school together though,wait here."

The journey to school was awkward and detached,making me wish I never brought that subject up.We were both like that,inexperienced in situations in love and dating.Both of us,even me,became tense during discussions like that,and I suppose that we never changed...

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