Chapter nine

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Daniel, he was here...

Daniel,my childhood friend and fellow terrified child.He was older now,alt east an adult.I suppose I always knew that he was older than me,but the small age difference never became prominent until now.I guess that things change.Wait...Why was he here?

He wasn't tied up;he was just here.He was here,and so I'm not alone anymore.Daniel was my childhood friend,and I trust our bond.I trust it just as I trust mine and Mori's bond.Mori,where is he right now?Is he safe?I couldn't stop thinking about him,even in this peculiar situation.Why was that?Tell me,what is that?I should be happy to see Daniel,my friend,but I can't stop thinking about Mori.I can't stop thinking about his hair,the scent of it,the scent of his cologne.I can't stop thinking about the softness of his touch and the beauty in his words.I shouldn't feel like this,we're friends.I shouldn't want to hug him close and never let go,as we're friends.I shouldn't love him,as we're friends.How did I not notice it before?I need to tell him how I feel soon,as soon as possible...

"Daniel?"I mumbled,confused.

"Y/n,yeah,it's me.Im here for you now;you don't have to be alone."he assured me, smoothly.

I froze,"Daniel?How did you get here?"I questioned.

"I hired some people to come get you.I'm sorry that it took so long my love;I'm sorry I had to deceive you to get you here safely."he apologised.

My love?What does he mean?

Mori POV

Where is she?Where could she be?I called the cops,but they were no help.At-leat,I found out that her father is still in jail;that means that he hasn't got her.Ugh...why are so many people after her?Why can't she just be free,live a normal life?I just need her by my side.I might need help for this,and I don't mean the police,the wretched police... that made me go back to them.

"I need your help,everyone's help.",I asked,requesting everyone's full attention.

"What now Mori?",Tamaki snapped.Was he on his man period or something?Oh well?

"I need help to find y/n."I bluntly replied.

Kyoya stepped forward,"You got a crush on her or something?",he inquired.

Hikaru chimed in,"Yeah,it's always Y/n this and y/n that.Why are you so worried?No-one else thinks it's important that your little girlfriend didn't tell you her plans."

"I don't get it.Why don't you care Haruhi?You should know what happened and why I'm worried.",I explained.

She cried,"I was never told anything Mori.Why are you so worried?"

I took a breath in.She really didn't know.Only I knew.I thought she told lots of people.Typical y/n,not trying to trouble anyone with her problems,her huge problems.She should've told them.I only knew,she only told me about it.Warmth and happiness crawled through my worry; she actually cared about me.

"Won't you help me anyway?"I inquired,running a hand through my hair.

"No."Tamaki replied,cold as ice.

I took a sharp breath in and out.I began to explain,"Y/n had a horrible childhood.Her father he- he was abusive.He gradually got worse as she got older; she began showing up with bruises and scares lining her body.He got involved with some bad people,who wanted her.He gave in I guess and he did some things and tried to do some other,worse things.In the end,he tried to kill her.I don't know all the details,but I know that lots of people were involved,dome who probably want to hurt her.Now,if you don't care about her stay.If you do,we need to find out who took her."

They helped me,or they tried,We created dozens of idea boards on when she was take,where she could be and even who took her.I didn't know many of the men involved ,but I definitely knew that our friend Daniel was.He was involved behind the scenes; y/n refused to believe it.She was innocent like that.

If it was him,I think I know where they'd be...

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