Chapter 1 Nathan

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A small and tranquil town lay dormant in the middle of nowhere, Timberwood. Many would skip over this quiet town, but it had more to offer than one might think. Its beauty is one to soak in the awe and fascinations with its mysterious forest that no one dares to explore due to the superstitions that arise from it. The old cobblestone bridge that leads into this forest, the creek that flows into the river and wraps itself around this comfort town, and of course, no one can forget the greatness of this residency. It's not much, but it's perfect for those who do reside in this small town they call home with bustling downtown areas, schools, and hangout places. Everything was and is at peace, except for Timberwood Highschool. Loud music blasted in the school's parking lot as a young teen rode into an empty parking space. The car vibrated from the incredible, distinctive, surround system. The young boy didn't both to kill the engine until the song was over, his head bobbed with the rhythm of the beat, he knew that it must have resonated through the peaceful school by now. Once he felt ready, the teen rolled up the windows, turned off his car, exited, and double-clicked his keys to make sure it was completely locked.

"Mr. Vincent, must you profusely blast that demon worshiping music on the school grounds?!" It was the vice-principal. The plump man approached Nathan in great annoyance. Nathan rolled his eyes; he had already forgotten how profoundly this town was on religion.

"Oh, is there a problem, Mr. Finnegan?" A mischievous smirk played on the lips of the teen. He loved to poke fun at the man whose been a thorn at his side since freshman year. He placed his hand over his breast and spoke mockingly, "Sir, from my knowledge, there is not a rule in our school code of conduct that disallows students to listen to music inside their cars while being on school grounds."

The vice-principal huffed, his face slowly became hot and steamy, "Nathaniel Vincent, you are a disruption to those who have early classes as well as others around you, for once think of someone other than yourself!"

This reaction made the boy chuckle, as he shoved his keys in his pocket, "Now, now, Mr. VP, you don't want to overdo it with your high blood pressure at your age, it may spike. And we don't want another accident, do we now?" Nathan teased, as he walked off, leaving the vice principal to fume. The plump middle-aged man ground his teeth and swore under his breath that he'd get his revenge someday. Mr. Finnegan could not stand the young man whose chip was so clean even his shoulder was impressed. He worked with all sorts of teenagers, but no one tested his patience like Nathaniel Vincent. At first, it was nothing. He was just the average rollercoaster of emotions, a boy who had become an athlete then grew popular amongst the other students. He was much better as a freshman if only time allowed to go back and correct his ill manners then. Too bad time moves at a pace that's not in everyone's best favor because now the teen is a junior who has everyone watching him, whether that's a good or bad thing. Mr. Finnegan definitely couldn't keep a handle on that particular teen any longer.

Nathan had always been a troublemaker. He loved to mess with people, and it was difficult to discourage his behavior when he customarily got away with it. It's unfortunate, but Nathan was untouchable for he was the student with the highest grade point average of the entire school district keeping straight A's, perfect attendance, and was a responsible captain. He was the school's crown jewel and wore that crown with much pride and joy.

Regardless of his studies, the students at the school knew him as the swim jock. He loved the water and felt it was a pleasant place where he could always find tranquility and peace. Nathan wreaked enough havoc with the vice-principal, he walked over towards his locker and searched inside for his calculus book and notebook. He stared inside his locker with pride, everything had a label, everything was in its designated spot, and all his books and notebooks were in a precise place, pristine and not jammed. He couldn't say anything about anyone else, but some would say he was organized, but for Nathan, this is more of a double-edged sword. For someone who is deemed to be perfect, he had a secret of being O.C.D. After collecting his items and placing them carefully in his backpack, he continued to venture towards his class, but that's when he spotted him, wispy fiery red hair, glasses, green sweater vest, and blue jeans. It was playtime for Nathan, and he had just enough time to do so. He strode across the hall, avoiding the girls as they tried to grab his attention, and placed a left hand on the locker next to the boy.

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