To summarize it as briefly as possible, Cultural Marxism is a convincing conspiracy theory in which the root cause of the rampant promiscuity and sheer stupidity that's plagued the First World for decades is a result of social engineering by powerful and wealthy globalist elites in a mastermind plot to severely weaken the world so they can enslave us as tax cattle on a free-range concrete farm and exercise full authority over our lives in a nightmarish Orwellian manner.
Does this synoptic description pique your interest? If so, welcome. In this book I'm going to break Cultural Marxism down for you so you can see how all parts of this theory fit together and why many strongly believe it. To begin, a more comprehensive and serious overview;
Cultural Marxism aims to incite societal collapse via the promotion of degeneracy, hedonism and irrationality, often justified by relativism. In creating an animalistic, intellectually weak populace, our oppressors can grasp total control of our lives through tyrannical rules and regulations imposed by a vicious globalist government, enabled by the compliance of the mental slaves they've socially indoctrinated into advocating for their own subjugation.
The theory mainly stems from 20th century Marxists having advocated the spread of Marxism by means of a "long march through the institutions" — the act of subverting a society through the gradual, incremental infiltration of key institutions such as the schools and universities, the media, the courts, the labour unions, the cinema and theatre, the seminaries and churches, and at least one major political party.
Cultural Marxism targets the family unit (the building block of society), tradition, culture, critical thinking, deism, rationalism, national identity, the right to bear arms, and civil liberties.
Contrarily, it seeks to dismantle functional systems order and promotes sexual decadence, self-indulgence, mass immigration, relativism, and a nanny state type government in which the people are dependent on the state for survival.
Many people paint Cultural Marxism as some whack far-right conspiracy theory to immediately turn others off to if, but the truth is, if you believe to any degree that the decay, moral bankruptcy, materialism, hedonism, irrationality and rejection of reason that is being seemingly promoted in this day is an intentional act of subversion fuelled by the malicious intentions of people who wish to do us harm, you believe in Cultural Marxism.
If you believe in a 'gay agenda,' you believe in Cultural Marxism. If you believe the music and film industry have been corrupted in order to corrupt the youth, you believe in Cultural Marxism. If you believe the education system is being used as a tool to indoctrinate children into tolerance and submission, you believe in Cultural Marxism. If you believe social media algorithms are manipulated with the intention of swaying public opinion towards what will ultimately benefit those in power and cripple the people, you believe in Cultural Marxism. If you believe progressivism is being pushed on us as thought disabling propaganda in order to subdue the population, you believe in Cultural Marxism.
You've realize by now, I hope, that virtually the entire political right, from mild to extreme, believes in Cultural Marxism. They speak often of leftist ideals being 'pushed' by the mass media with the intention of brainwashing the people into unknowingly fighting for their own enslavement. If you believe the overbearing promotion and enforcement of progressive ideology is controlled by an elite machine with bad intentions, you believe in Cultural Marxism.
Each chapter in this book is going to focus on a specific segment of this description of Cultural Marxism, in the hopes of explaining it in its entirety and bringing light to its complexity and ideological foundation. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. I am stating now that it is not entirely foolproof or undoubtedly factual. This book is meant to explain the mechanics of the theory in full, why the things it promotes are effective in achieving its goal and what makes it convincing to many. I staunchly believe Cultural Marxism is a legitimate threat to all that is worth caring about and one of the most wicked tools of deception ever deployed on a human population. This book is written from that perspective.
Right Wing Propaganda
HorrorOriginal Title: Cultural Marxism: Blight on the West I started this project nearly 3 years ago when I was feeding my diseased brain with hours upon hours of right-wing propaganda daily. The first 5 chapters I've left alone, and I hope by reading the...