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I gave it all I could... Fought every battle every obstacle did everything in my power despite knowing he deserved none of it..... Just because I truly loved him and wouldn't leave any stone unturned.... But alas, he opted to leave me break me and shatter into a million pieces right in front of him.....

I had a chance a small window to try convince him but I decided to leave with my head held high with the remnants of the little respect I had for myself it was then I realised it wasn't about what I did to keep us together it was about what we did together...
I was tired of always putting myself aside and following him like a puppet
In that moment I chose to Grant him his wish cause no matter what I did he'd still stay the same he just wasn't mine to keep

I had to heal, recover and learn to love myself first. Having no idea how I'd make it possible or even get over my bleeding heart, I was going to give it my best, give myself however long it would take be patient and start with a clear slate.

It was the least I would do for myself having caused all this heartbeak because of my own blindness.....
However much I wanted to blame him, hate him and wish him bad deep down I knew the only person at wrong was myself for seeing all the signs right there and choosing to ignore them.

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