Zoe sat slumped on the couch, a bag of chips at her side. She lazily scrolled through channels on the television, and stopped at the local news channel. "Breaking news, this just in, a new worldwide diesease is spreading across the country, according to scientists", Said an announcer, holding a thick microphone. Zoe barley looked at the screen. "The diesease is coming towards the north west parts of the country, towards the states of Oregon and Washington.", the announcer finished. Zoe looked up at the screen, a queasy feeling settling in her stomach. 'What is this disease?' Zoe wonders. All of a sudden, the T.V. goes static, a loud buzzing noise echoing against the walls. She tries to turn off the television, but does not suceed. Zoe gets up and walks out of the room. As she is walking toward her bedroom, a loud bang sound fills the air. She looks toward the kitchen, the queasy feeling increasing rapidly. "Mom? Dad? are you guys home?", She asks, paralized with fear. Zoe is currently the only one in the house. Or so she thinks.... Instead of a response from her parents, another bang sound fills the air. She stares for a moment longer, and sees a figure move near the pantry. The figure looks like a man, but first looks do not always give away everything. As the man walks towards the fridge, Zoe feels like running as fast as she can away from where she is. Zoe doesn't get a chance though. for at that same moment, the man looks at her. The man lingers for a moment, then lets out a horrible shriek and flings himself at her. She dodges out of the way quickly, trying not to throw up at the sight of the horrible man. To sum it up, he looks lika a zombie from those cheesy horror movies, only more realistic. The rotting flesh peels away from him, revealing more blood and bone. Zoe can no longer take it, so she vomits all over the carpet in the hallway. Zoe sprints as fast as she can away from her home, flinging the door open in the process. As she sprints away, she can't believe what is going to happen...