Chapter 6

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The afternoon was warm and humid, and I was feeling drowsy. I was at the clubhouse enjoying a cold fruit drink when Ivan and Dave arrived, presumably from school. Dimitri was already there, seated at his usual corner, reading his usual book. After checking on him, the boys came over to the kitchen bar, and I offered them drinks. 

"So, how was your day?" I asked, thankful that I could finally talk to someone in this room.

"Class was B to the O to the R-"

"It was boring," Ivan said, cutting Dave short.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to say," Dave protested.

"And I said it for you. You're welcome. Anyway, Mr Banks really outdid himself today by beating his own record at being boring."

"Couldn't have been that bad, could it?" I asked.

"You're welcome to attend one of his classes Elle. And bring a pillow for your neck. You know, when his lullaby gets you to sleep." Dave said.

"I could take a break from comp. Man, I didn't know it would be this hard," I complained, taking a seat.

"If you were told to do anything you wanted, anything at all, what would you have done?" Ivan asked, joining me. 

"Well, I-"

"Um ladies first, dude," Ivan interrupted.

"Okay, what's the problem man? Did I do something wrong?" Dave whined, taking a seat on the carpet. Ivan smirked.

"Go on Dave, I'm sure Ivan is just joking."

"No, you go first, I'm okay," he said grumpily.

"Okay, if I were given the opportunity to do anything I wanted, I would have become an author or a film director. Or a movie critic."

"Nice. Sounds like you're into arts and stuff. Why didn't you take that?" Dave asked.

"Well, for one, I uh-well actually- you know I don't know," I said, surprised that I couldn't find a valid reason. No one had forced me to do Computer Science. I guess I did it because it's cool to be a female comp geek. I couldn't think of one reason why I did not pursue what I actually wanted.

"Sounds like you have some thinking to do," Ivan said. 

"Well, actually no. Before I joined, I didn't have a preference. I was open to anything. I do like arts and all but I like comp as well, now that I've had the chance to see what it's all about. It's interesting- challenging but interesting you know. And I can be an author anytime I want. I can do short courses on film directing and all that. I guess Comp was, to me, more like-"

"Job security?" Ivan interjected.

"Exactly. What about you, Dave?"

"I would have become a musician. I like chemistry but music is what binds my molecules."

"What?! What the hell is that Dave?" Ivan asked as we all laughed. 

"Ivan leave me alone. Anyway, that's what I would have done."

"You're actually pretty close to your dream Dave. We are a music band," I said, getting up to take the glasses back to the kitchen.

"Yeah. And you Ivan? Lemme guess you've always wanted to be a, what do they call it, a jerk?"

"Shut up Dave. Given the chance I'd actually be a jockey," Ivan stated.

"That's actually not far from being a jerk," Dave retorted.

"A jockey, Dave, is someone who rides horses in a race."

"I-I-knew that," Dave muttered under his breath. 

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