Getting Ready

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As she got dressed to leave, Brat hovered near her feet, twining in and out around her legs. Usually, she adored this cute habit of his, but tonight she was in a hurry. The silly kitty was eyeing her bed, the evening clothes she had picked out spread everywhere. He stopped his playing and hopped up on the bed, meowing his opion.

This wasn't the first time the little guy had ever given his mommy fashion advice. Ann found this particular habit of his endearing. Brat always knew how to melt her heart and brighten her day. That was why he was her furbaby. She resumed her wardrobe selection, thoughtfully selecting her evening apparel. Although she appreciated the input from Brat, there was something else she had in mind tonight. Since it was just hanging out with the guys, jeans and a nice shirt would do. Hell, she could probably wear a sack over her body and they wouldnt care. However, there was one guy she hoped to see at Molly's house tonight.

Clothing and make-up selections aside, she headed back to the kitchen for the food. The mushroom pate was already packed so, she decided to put some appetizers with it. Veganism was so hard sometimes because the menu selections were scant. Ok, time to focus, she reminded herself. She settled on crusty bread, the pate, a fruit tray and mozzarella smoked sandwiches. That ought to satisfy the wild man meat lovers in them.

With everything done, she called her friend Molly up, asking to speak to Molly's husband. Molly never minded that they talked, hell they had been friends since high school. Jay answered the phone, his deep bass voice rumbling in her ear. "Hey kiddo, what's up? You gonna come over or what? " he teased, knowing she was. Rolling her eyes, Ann laughed. "Jay, is your brain on vacation or something? I told you earlier you needed to pick me up. You know I don't drive, and besides, that's why I have you." Laughing now, she waited on him to tell her when he would be up. They were such close friends that they were often mistaken for brother and sister. Others thought they should date. When that comment was made, they would look at each other and say in unison "hell no!!" Jay's wife Molly would listen to their childish banter and often join in. She thought the two of them were hilarious. "You two sound like a married couple, get a room already." Molly teased in the background. Jay burst out laughing, enjoying his wife's good humor. That was why he had proposed to her last year, loving the fact that she got along with his friends. People often wondered how Molly didn't get jealous of the two of them. Her and Ann loved each other like sisters though,  often double teaming Jay and the rest.

Grumbling good naturedly, Jay grabbed the phone back off his wife and told Ann what time he would come pick her up. After she put the phone back on the back rest, she fluttered around her living room. She figured on staying at Jay's overnight, as she often did. Brat was never a bother, but she sometimes had to get out and just breathe once in a while. Oh no, speaking of the kitty, she better make arrangements for a babysitter. When she left the house for an overnighter, she always called in the best. Picking her phone back up, she punched in the number she would never forget. Ring, ring, ring, went the landline, letting her know the call had went through. On the final ring, a female voice answered and asked: "May I help you?" Rolling her eyes again, Ann scoffed. "Nice try mom, but you have caller i.d and it's not like you don't know my number. " Mom laughed and said: "Aww, busted. Guess I'll have to come up with somethin' better next time, huh?"

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