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Well, another day done. That was what the young lady across the room was thinking. No one at Loveside Manor would have guessed that the hardest working CNA in the place had a secret night life that would curl a nun's hair.

Well, so what? Wasn't it her right to have a freaking life besides work? For goodness sake, 80 hour weeks damn near killed her every day and night. So, every evening she had off, that was "playtime" for her. Usually, that meant hanging out with the guys, playing cards and consuming large amounts of alcohol.

If she got wasted enough, mabey even bring home a guy to have as "overnight" company. Although, they never turned out to be what she expected, or needed. At least the sex was okay and she could get laid.

That was the greatest thing: no-strings sex and sweet freedom. She paid her own bills, footed her own expenses on dates, and paid her own damn rent. No man in the world was worth falling for. After all, they were all the same. She would beat them at their own game: use and abuse them first, then cut all ties. It was so much easier that way.

No way would she ever be stupid enough to fall in love. That was a mere fantasy to her, love was just hormonal responses in the brain. Didn't she read an article somewhere about that? National Geographic, or mabey the Smithsonian? Oh well, she couldn't remember and that wasn't the point anyway.

After she punched out, located her ride to work and got into the car, her mind was racing forward to meeting up with the "guys" and hanging out. They were her only friends because she flat out didn't trust women.

Women were too competitive and catty in her mind. Men were much more upfront and honest. If you asked a man their opinion, they let you know right up and out. Women had a tendency to lie to one another, and she didn't waste her time on liars.

Once she got home to the trailer, she unlocked her door and took off her bright white canvas shoes. They damn near glowed in the dark, they were so white. After removing her shoes, she walked from the bare wood of her porch to her open front door.

The soft light was welcoming and homey, always reminding her of a true home. Hell, she didn't even know what a real home was. Shaking her head, she walked through the door, being greeted by a four footed furry baby.

Her baby had beige-white fur, four paws and glowing golden eyes. His tail was always erect, ears always perched to detect the slightest noises. She trusted him more than most humans. He was even honored as a human, leaving behind any semblance of the animal he really was.

"Meow, Moomoew" his usual greeting for her echoed off the walls. This was the only cat she knew that sounded as if he spoke rather than meowed. She leaned over and picked him up, bringing his face up close to hers. Ardently, she awaited his usual greeting: nose kisses. He delivered instantly, rubbing his cold, pink nose along hers, purring so loud it hurt her ears. Being greeted by her furbaby always made her smile, especially when she thought about how he came about.

He was a Russian blue and siamese mix, the equivalent of "mutt" in cat terms. His grandmother was an AFA champion, stolen from an abusive owner and rescued by Ann. Her name was Princess Jamsine, a registered purebred russian blue.

Ann laughed at the thought about how her current furbaby came about. Jasmine's name was changed to "Misty" after Ann adopted her. The color of her coat was a fine grey, tinged with blue on her gorgeous soft fur.

One day, she had ventured outside the old apartment she used to live in and got pregnant to her then neighbor's AFA registered siamese. After that, she had had one more litter, consisting of her cat's queen and sire.

Brat, (her current kitty), was the end result. His mom had been grey and white, while the daddy cat had been pure jet black. After Brat's birth, she took mommy cat, the kittens and all to the vet. All was well, both the queen and kittens health outstanding.

When the kittens were weaned, Ann had given the mom cat to her best friend, Dana. Her and her mother had kept all the others. Ann's heart constricted, as it always did, when thinking about this part. All the others had died from what the vet had termed as "congenital health problems", leaving Ann and her mother heartbroken.

As Brat purred in her ear, he made her mood lift instantly. This little guy was the sole survivor, the scrapper who wouldn't give up on life. They were two of a kind, Brat and her. They were family, through and through.

She made her way over to the kitchen counter, grabbing a can of wet cat food and tuna. Brat didn't know it, but she always mixed his food to give him an extra vitamin boost. He was getting up in years, six to be exact. Ann always watched over him, spoiling and loving the cat the way a woman with a real baby would.

After she fed Brat, that made her get the urge to start looting her own fridge. She rooted around the icebox, getting an idea of what she wanted to eat before going out tonight. Nourishment was important, whether it was humane, feline or canine.

Food was the staple of life, giving health and nutrition when eaten correctly. It was the focus of Ann's world, having grown up with Pennsylvania Dutch roots and all.

At the moment, however, she was having a hard time deciding what to eat. Since she was vegan, she rarely ever ate out and never ate at someone else's home, unless she brought her own stuff.

"Shit!!" She muttered out loud, for getting that tonight she had agreed to bring the food to the card game her friends put on every Friday night. They had a deal: Once a month, Ann had to make her newest recipie and share it with them all. Since there was usually a crowd, she made a massive amount of food.

"Hummm, what can I make that is quick, easy and feels an army? Oh and it has to satisfy a man, cuz I'm going to see the boys tonight." She looked at Brat, awaiting his answer. As if on cue, Brat jumped up into the fridge, putting his paw on her mushroom plate, enough left overs to feed an army indeed. Laughing, she looked at Brat fondly and declared "perfect" out loud.

Now that the food situation was in hand, she HAD to get a shower. Her job was great, but one of the messiest careers out there. Every day, she was never sure which bodily fluid she would come home covered in. Not to mention what germs she ever carried on her clothes. Making a pit stop at her laundry room, she shocked off her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.

She was absolutely comfortable walking around stark naked. Her body had finally reached its peak, at twenty one, she was 135 pounds and had long, wavy auburn-black hair. Her hazel eyes stared back at her in the bathroom mirror, full of mischief and mirth. Yeah, tonight, she was gonna go on the prowl. It had been a year since she had had sex, going celibate after her last break up.

Tonight, she was in the mood for some trouble. Usually, trouble found her, but it wasn't the good kind. Every kind of asshole that you could think of had really done a number on her, eliminating her trust in men completely. It wouldn't have been so bad, but this last guy had really stung her pride and self esteem.

She had paid every bill, stayed up with him, often missing days at work to help him with detoxing from alcohol, pulled the weight for them both for a whole year. After all that, the ungrateful son of a bitch had ditched her, chasing ass from out of state and leaving her in the dust.

Oh well, that wasn't the point anyway. The point was, it stung her pride, something that pushed her off because she started to doubt herself. No man would ever do that to her again: no one. She was done with so called men anyway, all they needed was a quick roll in the hay, then they left. This time around, she was looking for a special kind of man, no not man...a boy.

Her friend had educated her about Bdsm, Femdom and the like. She was in the market for a different kind of man, a man that was soft. Sweet and sensitive with a bratty side couldn't hurt either. She smiled wickedly to herself as she exited the shower. Yeah, mabey that was what she needed now.

Well, that is the first chapter folks. Send me a message with thoughts and opinions. 

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