Chapter 9: From Planting to Planning

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An entire day has past since the battle with 'Cetorlas Atarisa' and everyone has completely healed; all but Sato. Resting in the master bedroom is Sato who has lost nearly all of his ether and has gone into 'life-to-ether replacement' or L.E. transfer. Before the process had occurred Marlo fully restored his damaged body with most of his missing ether recovered. According to James it will take around two full days before Sato is fully recovered and to not worry about his health being in any danger. Relieved, everyone began to relax but was interrupted by Marlo saying "all of you have gotten much tough after that skirmish! I say about...2 maybe? Anyways, you all did very well! But I cannot help to think that Sato did a lot. I wonder why he did not get stronger". Looking down at the floor everyone have or has been in realization of the fact that Sato was 'carrying' the team alone. Depressed about not being useful to the team everyone thought if Sato wasn't with them then he wouldn't have to put up with all the work. Floating from Sato's room James rang a deafening white noise that shook everyone from their awake-nightmare.

Staring at James with confusion everybody asked what was wrong with him to which James responds "what is wrong is the fact that after the fight with the 'pit boss' none of you even once thanked Sir Sato for his efforts. Sir Sato is a good man and would never; in his terrible of nightmares, wish to blame any of you for not being great enough. If each of you know this then why do you sit in despair while he still struggles to recover? You are Sir Sato's team and you are Sir Sato's friends. Do not waste this precious time with sorrows of the weak. If you are not strong, then become strong. If you are not wise, then gain wisdom. You are living people and can grow; but the very moment you have given up, then you are truly weak. I realize that growing is difficult to accomplish and so; when times become hard, I ask of you to think 'what would Sato do'? Once you find the answer then I hope that you act upon it. Remember, you are and will always be Sir Sato's friends. Please, do not make him wait". Giving a slight smirk Nolia stands and says "well, our rate Sato might have to wait for a while". Standing up as well, everyone decided that James was right and asked Marlo to help with their trainings. While raising its cane up high Marlo says "alright! Then everybody head to the practice chambers!" Everyone then began to walk towards a hallway label 'practice area' and talked about how they could improve themselves. While following everybody else, Marlo was stopped by James who wanted to know where the three people that Sato's team has saved.

Turning back around, Marlo mentions that three people were put in the same room as Sato then said "Oh, are you going to interrogate? About why the plant was elemental block? I know! I bet the panther person did something. Oh, how I love solving detective! Let us go!" Walking towards Sato's room, James halted Marlo and stated "it would be best if I did the interrogation. I do not mean to offense, but you seem to be lacking in 'socializing'. I am aware of you trying to help the others in training but they are not monsters. They are people". Nodding in acknowledgement, Marlo continued to skip towards the 'practice area' and hums a familiar lullaby. Watching Marlo gallop away happily made James wonder about his owner's trust in certain people and began to hover towards Sato's room. Reaching the door that lead into Sato's bedroom, James suddenly began hearing metal clattering then an immediate thud sound hitting the floor next to where Sato should be. Quickly entering the room James activated his 'weapon systems' to instantly attack anyone who a threat. The three people was missing from their beds and; in front of the awaken Sato, were a female fox, a dark ox and a silent Panther on the floor; kneeling in prayer. James's only response was "....what?"

Just as confused as James is Sato asked what was going on to which the Panther looking up as Sato then says "Great, human warrior; who have defeated the 'pit boss' and saved us, we are deeply grateful. Even though he faced each other in mortal combat not to long ago, to look past that and harm yourself to rescue us..." Bowing back to the floor, the Panther and the other two say in unison "We are forever in your debt!" Returning back to normal James float over to Sato then says "I assume; then, that interrogation is not needed. Once again, your actions have proven wonders, Sir Sato". Smiling on the outside, what Sato was thinking "to be honest, I sort of forgot that we were fighting to save them. But I guess this could work too". While raising his left hand, Sato told the three Bazumalic to stop kneeling and asked for their names. Starting from the left was the female, orange fox "A'sunta Uta; a spiritual swellsword and former guard captain of the Lorelai Alliance". Next was the silent Panther "Se'amu Ra Sa'a; an ex- royal assassin of the Lorelai Alliance". Finally the large, black ox "Ore'adrum; berserk bludgeon and former war general of the Lorelai Alliance". Putting his hand back down, Sato comments about their obvious strength and how only the three of them managed to survive against the enormous, plant monster. Se'amu notes that if they weren't an advance class then the three of them would've perished long before Sato's team had arrived. According to James's records, there are three known evolutions of classes; level ranks of 1 to 30 are 'basic class' and are the starting capabilities of an adventurer while level ranks of 31 to 60 are called 'advance class'. To obtain an advance class two requirements need to be met; one is to reach the ranking level of 30 and the second is having the proper 'key items' that can only be crafted by those who have the abilities to make them accurately. Once an individual does 'class up' they not only are able to choose anew class type from the available 'class tree', but all of their stats, skills and abilities also become greater than they were before.

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