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Warnings: Mentions of needles, medical equipment

Angel felt sorry for you. Which was hard to because she didn't care about many people. Ajax has become obsessed with healing you. Which meant that anytime there was an improvement in whatever Ajax was using on you, he tested it.

"Leave me alone." You sighed weakly as Ajax approached your room. Angel looked over the beeping machines and wires.

"One of the new mixes healed someone last night. This one should work." Ajax insisted, ignoring you as he fiddled with a vile in his hand.

"I don't care!"

"Well, I don't care what you think. This is the one that'll heal you."

"You said that about the last one!"

"We're doing this. It could make you better this time!" Ajax insisted.

"No! I'm tired of doing what you say."

He sighed, pausing as you moved painfully slow so you could look at him. You'd been friends as children. He'd always looked after you and Angel was sworn to secrecy about how he felt about you.

"I'll keep saying it until you're better. I will fix this." He muttered. Despite the forceful way he spoke, he waited, his hand held your arm that he'd need to inject the vile.

"Fine." You said relenting. He nodded and went ahead. Ajax waited beside your bed as you fell asleep.

"You think this one will work?" Angel asked him.

"It doesn't matter. We'll keep going until I find one that works. I'll heal (Y/N)."

Francis Freeman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now