Hey guys, All stories are in my Short Story Romance book. I have chapters of this one in there but I don't know if I will be finishing this one. Not really in the mood to continue this one at this moment in time (1-27-10) So I might not be continuing this story. But if I do it will be in there. I have about a paragraph of the final chapter of this story in there but do not publish any chapters until the story is complete. That strategy helps me push myself to get it done. But recently I am over continuing the fanfictions, no offense to those who enjoy. and I might delete the book here. I haven't decided. All books that are published in the short story book are deleted from their own book. If that makes sense. I will let you know updates probably in my chats because adding this extra part to all my books seems like a little to much work that I'm willing to do. Or I'll just make an updates book. Idk. But heads up!! If anyone has idea's for this then I will gladly let you continue it. Just let me know and please give me credit for the chapters I have done. I've been wanting to try and become an author but I need more reads. My boyfriend has also decided to help me improve my writing. Which I am so thankful for because he is way smarter than me. XD I am terrible at English and math.... and history... you know, the things he is at least decent at. He's really good at history though. I will never understand it, but it's inspiring. I'm practically jelly. Anyway! Sorry, rambling moment. I just thought I should let you know. Please enjoy. Have a good day and stay safe!!! I mean it!! It's a scary world!! Okay. Cya and thank you for reading!!!
~Jaylyn Nathan (Sans Lover 01) <3