Birthday Rehearsal ; 10 (Derek)

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"Alright baby, you got this."
I rubbed Beth's shoulders as we watched Lea and Artem perform.
"She's doing so good."
"Don't do that. You're gonna break your confidence. We've got this dance babe, we've got it."
Lea and Artem finished and then the judges gave their say. When they headed up the stairs, the cameras turned to us.
"Bethany and Derek are on deck, right after the break."
I smiled at Bethany and she gave a half smile back.
"Beth, breathe."
"I can't. I'm nervous."
"You've got this babe."
The producers gave us a nod and we walked to our places. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled. I heard our video end and then we started. It was like her problems disappeared and she let herself go in the dance. Once we were done, she wrapped herself around me and I carried her to the judges. Bruno basically bowed himself to us and Carrie Ann pointed out our one mistake.
"You guys were sizzling up there, it was fantastic!" Len said.
"Bethany, your journey has been my favorite to watch. You just keep growing and getting better and sexier and that was incredible."
Beth hugged me tighter and we headed up to Erin who was smiling.
"Bethany, I agree with Julianne. You are just growing more and more each week. Derek, are you proud of her or what?"
"This girl, just keeps amazing me more and more each week. I'm proud of her."
"Alright, let's get your scores."
We ended up getting a 37 out of 40 and Beth was smiling ear to ear. Walking back into the red room, she pulled our lips together.
"Oh my gosh, we did good!"
"I told you we would." I just smiled.
"That was nerve wracking but Len was so impressed."
"Because of you. We did good baby."
"Thank you."
"Wit, you guys did incredible."
"So did you!"
She hugged Bethany and then hugged me.
"Beth, we still on for shopping afterwords?"
"Yes! I just have to get my hair taken out and we'll be good."
"Okay! Meet me at my car?"
"Sure thing."
I followed Beth into the hair trailer and she sat down, pulling out her phone to vlog. I stepped out of the frame and let her be silly and goofy. Once she was done, we walked out to Witney's car.
"I'm gonna go home tonight. Witney is gonna stay the night."
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Mhm." She smiled up at me.
I pulled her in for a hug and then kissed her softly.
"Bye babe."
She walked off into Witney's car and I turned around and went to find Mark. He was inside his trailer with Sadie.
"Hey Derek."
"Hey guys."
"Where's Beth?" Mark asked.
"She went shopping with Witney."
"Ah. So her birthday is in 3 days. Any ideas?" Sadie asked.
"Well we have rehearsals that day. But I have a few ideas in here." I said, pointing to my head.
"Like what?"
"Eager for info, Ms. Robertson."
"Oh shush. Tell me!"
"Well I was gonna surprise her at rehearsal with balloons and stuff and then at her party give her the present I bought for her."
"What did you get her?"
"Not giving that away. Sorry bae."
"That's not funny Derek!"
I laughed and Mark stood up.
"Alright let's go."
Sadie followed him out and we shut the trailer door.
(Flash forward to Beth's birthday)
I was nervous for the first time. Beth had texted me asking where I was and I told her I would be there shortly. I was now standing outside the studio door and I had a ton of balloons behind me. I opened the door and Beth turned to me. A smile appeared on her face as I sang happy birthday to her.
"Happy birthday my sweet Bethany, happy birthday to you."
She hugged me tight and I smiled.
"Thank you so much!!"
I just kissed her cheek and she couldn't stop smiling.
"Oh my gosh, thank you."
"Anything for you."
She beamed at me and I kissed her forehead.
"Oh my gosh. This is so cute!"
"I'm glad you like it."
It was like there was a permanent smile on her face.
"Hate to bust that beautiful smile but we have some rehearsal to do."
"I'm fine with that."
We went through our Vietnamese Waltz. Learning a couple steps at a time, Beth finally got it.
"That was beautiful." I said.
"Because of you."
"Tomorrow we rehearse the dance with Tony. How are you feeling on that."
"Is he here? Can he come and rehearse now?"
"I can call him."
She nodded and we sat down. I pulled my phone out and dialed his number.
"Derek, hey."
"Hey, you okay to rehearse today?"
"Sure man. I just got here so what studio are you in?"
"Alright, I'll be there."
He hung up. I smiled over at Bethany and she just looked at the balloons.
"What're you thinking about?"
"I'm just happy. This is the best birthday ever so far."
"I'm glad."
"And you're coming to my party later, right?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world babe."
She looked up and I leaned down to kiss her. She smiled and kissed me back.
"So who's ready to get this show on the- woah."
We moved apart and Tony smirked.
"Well well."
"Hey Tony." She said, clearly embarrassed.
"You could have at least told me!!" He said, hugging her.
"Wasn't exactly on my mind."
"Oh, happy birthday by the way."
"Thank you!"
I smiled and and looked at Bethany. I'm falling hard for this girl...
The next part will be the continuation of her birthday. And it will be in Beth's point of view. Thanks for the 1.89k reads!! Feedback is greatly appreciated 😊😊

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