The Locker Room

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It was the next day, Friday, and Asher was at his locker gathering his things for his first class. As he was packing his materials into his backpack, he looked around the hallway flooded with his peers. He was looking for Brandon. He pulled out his phone to see if he had another text from him, but sadly, there were none. Asher simply placed his phone back into his pocket and didn't think too hard on why Brandon had not texted him. He promised himself that he wouldn't get obsessive over Brandon, no matter how sexy he was.

Asher got all of the things he needed form his locker and started to make his way towards the class. He entered the classroom and noticed that there was someone in the back wearing all black and sitting with their head down, overtly trying to hide their face from view.

"Is that Brandon?" Asher asked himself. He walked back there, but as he walked back there, he noticed that the mystery person's leg was shaking intensively and they were saying something in a low, whispering tone. He couldn't make out what the person was saying until he got closer. "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him," the unknown person said.

"Brandon?" Asher asked shakenly.

Brandon slightly looked up at Asher, only revealing part of his face, but just enough that Asher could see his eye had been badly bruised. He started to reach for his face and said, "Are you ok?" Brandon grabbed his hand and started to squeeze it so tightly that Asher's knuckles felt like they were breaking. "Leave me alone," Brandon said in an angry but sad tone.

He pushed Asher's hands away, and Asher started to massage his own hands so he could get his nerves to calm down. Asher had a look of fear and shock painted onto his face. He was speechless; this was not the same Brandon he had spoken too last night at the party, and even though he hurt him, Asher still wanted to help Brandon because he could tell that he wasn't himself and that he was hurting.

"Bran—" Asher said before being interrupted by Mrs. Bates, his teacher. "Please find a seat Mr. Asher. Class is about to begin," she said.

Asher stood there for a moment starring at Brandon. He soon moved and went to find a seat. He sat through all of class thinking about nothing but Brandon. Asher would continuously turn around throughout class to check on him.

When the bell rung to signify that class was over, Asher turned around to attempt to talk to Brandon again, but to his surprise, Brandon bolted out of the class. Asher tried to find him lingering in the hallway but to no avail. He couldn't find him, and he started to worry. He texted Brandon to see if he would talk to him, but he still didn't receive a reply.

It was the end of the school day and Asher was still worried about Brandon, there was little else he could think about. He was standing at his locker, slowly putting away items that he didn't need for the weekend. "Ready to go, Ash," Jada asked.

"Yea I guess so," Asher replied in depressed tone.

"What's wrong with you? Somebody been bothering you all day," Jada asked in a concerned tone.

"Nothing, it's just that I have a lot on my mind, and I'm stressed out," Asher responded.

He still had not told Jada about his crush on Brandon. He knew that she would overreact and turn every conversation they had into something about Brandon. Also, Jada had hatred for Brandon's girlfriend, Erica, so it was in Asher's best interest stay silent about all of it.

"Well the football team has practice today. Maybe some eye candy can cheer you up," Jada said with a smirk.

Asher paused for a moment and realized that he had not been thinking clearly all day. "Brandon is the star wide receiver. He's not going to miss practice because he has to stay good for scouts," he thought to himself.

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