The Pep Rally

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Soon after his emotional conversation with Brandon, it was time for Asher to go to the pep rally. When we walked into the gymnasium, he eagerly looked around to find his friends.

He noticed both Calvin and Jada sitting on the top row of the bleachers.

Asher pushed his way through the hoard of his peers. He made his way up the stairs and found a seat next to Calvin.

"Finally you made it," Calvin said

"What you missed me?" Asher asked jokingly

Calvin rolled his eyes slowly, nudged Asher, and said, "Ain't nobody missing you."

"Well, I was definitely missing you. Who am I going to talk to when I talk shit about everyone that walks in?" Jada leaned over and stated.

"Hey what about me?" Calvin blurted out.

"I tried that with you but all you kept trying to see was if Asher had walked through the door yet," Jada said.

Calvin blushes and laughed nervously as he turned to Asher. He stammered for a minute not knowing what to say, but then he noticed a gleaming light coming from Asher's neck.

"What's that? When did you get a chain?" Calvin inquired.

"A chain? You never wear  jewelry." Jada interjected.

Asher was sitting there nervous. Trying to think of what to say. He began to break out in a cold sweat. As he opened his mouth he heard the sound of several thuds on a microphone.

"Excuse me, students. Please settle down for a bit we are about to get started," Principal Henderson said as lackluster as possible.

Asher let out a sigh of relief as he turned to face the gym floor where Coach Jones, head coach of the football team, was about to speak on the mic.

"Summerville mighty warriors I need to hear you make some noise," Coach Jones blurted into the mic.

All the people in the gym started to scream at the top of their lungs.

"Ok, now I know y'all are here in the building. Now it's time for me to introduce to you, your back-to-back state championship winners, national title-holding, and a two-season undefeated football team!" he yelled even louder.

He began to call the name of every football player as they started pouring into the gymnasium. Asher has tuned out everyone's name until he heard Brandon's.

He saw Brandon jog his way into the gym and wave as if he was royalty. Asher cheered and screamed when he heard Brandon's name called.

"He's looking better," Asher thought to himself.

The football team was all lined up in their jerseys bathing in cheers and applause from their peers.

Asher wasn't paying attention to the whole team just Brandon. He saw his radiant bright smile as he blushed from all the admiration of his school. Just as Asher couldn't take his eyes off of Brandon and Calvin noticed.

Eventually, the pep rally came to an end and the students were lead outside to leave. As Asher, Calvin, and Jada our of the gymnasium, Jada realized she forgot her jacket on the bleachers.

"Damn, I forgot my jacket. I'll be back. Just wait in my car," she shouted.

She turned and re-entered the gym and found her jacket. As she was walking out, she could hear an argument brewing in the equipment room.

The door was cracked, so she slowed crept over to the door and peaked in to see who was engaging in the argument. As she peeked in she saw that it was Erica and Brandon.

Erica was crying, while Brandon was throwing his hands everywhere in anger.

"I can't believe you," he yelled. "You gone do this to me," he continued.

"I'm sorry," Erica cried out. "I was going to tell you, eventually."

"So who's that father? Obviously not me because we've never had sex," he demanded.

Erica looked down and said nothing and stood there in silence.

Brandon loudly groaned and started to walk towards the door. Jada back away quickly and headed out of the gym doors.

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