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The following days passed quickly and quietly. July bled into August with little fanfare. I didn't run into Norman again, much to my relief – I wasn't sure if he'd given up or if he just hadn't had opportunity to harass me. These days, I only left the house with Edward for little things. There were no more big parties, and I had no reason to go out on my own.

We never spoke of our changing relationship, but it was always there in the casual touches and countless hours we spent together. A part of me wanted more; another part was happy to be near him without constantly worrying.

August 3rd was proving to be the hottest day of the year thus far. I was in the parlor, where all the windows were thrown open, reading. Elizabeth was nowhere to be found; I supposed she was finding her own relief from the heat. I was completely unsurprised when Edward wandered in, sleeves up to his elbows, with a miserable expression. He flopped onto the sofa with me, letting his legs dangle over the armrest and dropping his head into my lap. I looked down at his pained expression with amusement.

"It's really not that bad, Edward," I said, marking my page before I set the book aside.

"It is!" he groaned, closing his eyes. I was fascinated by the sweat beading at his temples...my Edward wasn't capable of sweating, I assumed. This one made it look...sexy.

"What do you propose I do about it?" I asked, amused.

"I don't know," he mumbled, thinking on it. His eyes snapped open a moment later, surprising me. "Come swimming with me!"

I blinked. "Swimming? Where?"

"Outside the city," he said eagerly, sitting up so fast he should have been dizzy. "We have a vacation house – we haven't gone this year because my father's been too busy with work – and there's a wonderful creek on the property; it's perfect for swimming."

The idea was appealing. I was sweaty all over – long skirts were such a bother – and the thought of cool water was almost irresistible.

"I don't have anything to wear," I pointed out, though I knew I would lose this battle. "And how will we get there?"

Edward rolled his eyes. "I'll hire a horse and buggy. And we'll swim in our skivvies. No one will see us, and I swear, I'll be the perfect gentleman. Come on, Bella...please?"

My brain was reeling, vacillating between thoughts of the damage I could do with a horse and just what would happen to my thin underwear once they got wet, but all that broke through were his hopeful eyes.

"Oh, all right. I'll go."

He practically glowed with his triumph. "Wait here!" he exclaimed.

I returned to my book, knowing full well that Edward's calm demeanor could hide a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm underneath. Who knew what he was doing now?

Five minutes and three pages later, he returned with a loaded bag over his shoulder. I quirked an eyebrow. "What's all that?"

"Food, towels," he grinned, "You know, supplies. You ready to go?"

I followed him dubiously – I still wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but I never could refuse Edward something he wanted.

We went several torturously warm blocks to a large set of stables. The sight of all the horses and different carriages was perplexing to me – the archaic car had been within the range of things I understood, but this? I don't know why I was so surprised. Cars were still relatively new to this time, of course, and only the wealthy would be able to afford that kind of transportation.

Still, it was a surreal experience to have Edward help me into the open carriage and join me after paying the owner. Edward directed the horses out of the stables and onto the street with perfect ease; of course, Edward was a perfect driver, no matter the vehicle.

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